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Robert’s Rules of Order

Robert’s Rules of Order

All SGA meetings are be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Ranking order of rules:

  1. Laws: federal, state, and local laws.
  2. Constitution: the structure of the Liberty University SGA.
  3. Bylaws: the official rules laid out by the SGA.
  4. Robert’s Rules of Order: parliamentary procedure—rules for how a meeting is to be run.
  5. Standing Rules: administrative details not included in the bylaws or constitution.
  6. Custom: a habit—how things have always been done.

Words to use in a meeting:

A motion is a formal proposal of a course of action made by a member.

A motion must be seconded by another member in order to be considered.


“I move that the vote be counted.”


When discussion has been opened, wait to be recognized before standing. State your last name if the chair doesn’t: “Senator ___”, and then make your statement. Specific motions:

After being recognized by the chair:

  • “I move to adjourn” — to end a meeting.
  • “I move to amend” [item] “to say” / “by inserting” / “by removing” [specific part] — to edit the motion or legislation.
  • “I move the previous question” — to end debate immediately.
  • “I move that the vote be counted” — to count the precise number of senators for or against.

Before being recognized by the chair:

  • Stand, say “a parliamentary inquiry, please”, wait to be recognized, and then ask a question about procedure.
  • Stand, say “point of information”, wait to be recognized, and then ask for specific information relative to the discussion.
  • Stand, say “point of order”, wait to be recognized, and then state a specific rule that has been broken.
  • “Point of personal privilege” — used in the SGA’s Senate meetings to be excused.

Helpful Resources:

Terminology (PDF)