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Student Record Discrepancy (Webtrace)

If you find a discrepancy with your student record, please contact the Registrar’s office to inquire about the “Webtrace” process. To initialize the “Webtrace” process you must be able to provide:

  1. Course name, course number, and CRN of all the courses you wish to have reviewed,
  2. Approximate dates of when you attempted to drop/withdraw from the course(s),
  3. A detailed summary of why you think there is a discrepancy, and
  4. Completed Webtrace Request Form with copy of a student/government photo ID.

Once you have submitted the necessary documents, please allow for 5-7 business days for the Registrar’s Office to review your submission. A Registrar’s Office representative will contact you as soon as a decision has been determined.