UHD / Academic Affairs / College of Humanities and Social Sciences / About CHSS / CHSS Departments / Department of English / Dateline / Numerals
This is a non-exhaustive list of guidelines for numbers and other numeric figures.
General rule of thumb
One through nine are spelled out fully.
- Ex. Texas gained two congressional seats.
Numbers 10 and greater expressed with numerals.
- Ex. Texas has 38 congressional seats as a result of the 2020 U.S. census.
Millions, billions, trillions
Keep the numeral before the words “million,” “billion,” and “trillion”
- Ex. Over one million spectators tuned in to the live event on Instagram.
Decimals are preferred. Do not go beyond two decimal places.
- 7,734,500 people
- Say: 7.73 million people. Not: 7.734 million people.
Pair the numerals with the percentage sign. Only spell out if the percentage figure starts a sentence.
- Ex. Health officials reported that 90% of COVID-19 patients are not vaccinated.
- Ex. One percent of people in the U.S. have autism spectrum disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Always use figures for:
The project has finalized 1 mile of sidewalk completed out of the target 50 miles.
The patient is 5 years old.
Dimensions (depth, length, width)
The police said the suspect is 6 feet tall.
Monetary units
The manager raised prices by $1.