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CHSS Current Students

College Advising

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences Advising Center’s mission is to help students understand the requirements and steps to take to earn a bachelor’s degree in humanities or social sciences. The CHSS Advising Center provides services that engage, inform, and educate our students towards reaching their academic goals. CHSS advisors assist in recruitment, retention, and graduation initiatives that create strong academic and career readiness.


CHSS follows the spirit and the letter of PS 04.A.01 section 3.1.10, which states that "All students have a right to register complaints or concerns regarding their experience at the University of Houston-Downtown and to receive a timely response from the appropriate university official," whether it be the department chairs or the one of the deans. The college particularly welcomes feedback that will enhance the success of all students.

 The following channels are for student academic complaints and appeals:


  • Student Course Opinion Surveys: At the latter portion of each semester, all students enrolled in CHSS courses, as with all UHD registered students per PS 03.A.26, are given an opportunity to submit anonymous feedback on the course content and its instruction, through their MyUHD account. In the case of adjunct-taught courses, both the department chairs and the program coordinators review the results, while the commentary on full-time instructors is reviewed by the chair and the department advisory committee. This review of student feedback is important and part of the annual faculty review. (See PS 10.A.05 Section 3.2.)
  • Advising Surveys: In an effort to further improve advising and communication with students, the CHSS advising office asks students to complete an anonymous survey after each meeting with an advisor. Students have the opportunity to register their opinion via Likert scale-based questions, some of which are directly comparable to published NSSE scores. The surveys also provide students an opportunity to put forth written comments.


Social Science Computer Cluster
For students enrolled in SOS 3312, the department of Social Sciences offers one-on-one help with homework problems, exam preparation and SPSS lab assignments.  Students can find the tutor in the Social Science Computer Cluster, N1085, during posted hours.

Foreign Language Lab
The Foreign Language Lab is a multi-use space offering tutoring services to students taking lower level Spanish and French classes, as well as intermediate and advance Spanish classes. The lab also offers Spanish placement test services for students with previous experience in Spanish would like to take intermediate or advanced language classes. The Lab supports and strengthens the academic goals of the Spanish curriculum. Instructors are encouraged to schedule the lab's facilities and multimedia capabilities to further their class goals.

Reporting Issues
Some matters, such as those involving harassment or student safety, must be called to the attention of the Student Conduct Officer and the Title IX officer.  If student safety is a concern or a crime has been committed, students are directed to make a report with the UHD Police Department. If you would rather remain anonymous while reporting a crime, or any other violation of campus compliance or ethics, the University of Houston-Downtown has made available the Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline anonymous incident reporting system.

Honor Societies in CHSS
Honor Societies listing

College and Departmental Scholarships
College Scholarships

Dean's List
The dean's list is an award based on GPA of 3.5 or higher and other criteria. See the Dean's List

Apply for Graduation

Information on how to apply for graduation . All students must file for graduation the semester before they are planning to graduate. Apply for Graduation