Center for Social Inquiry & Transformation
Director of the
Center for Social Inquiry & Transformation
Dr. Vida Robertson
CSIT Assistant Director
Dr. Jonathan Chism
The Center for Social Inquiry & Transformation is an academic center open to all for scholarly inquiry and teaching development that cultivates scholarship, facilitates public discourse, and fosters community engagement opportunities with a particular focus on the history and social impact of race in society. CSIT prepares students to become vital participants in Houston’s social and economic future and the global community at large.
By providing opportunities for knowledge creation and dissemination, the Center for Social Inquiry & Transformation transforms lives and empowers communities. The Center produces scholar-citizens who are equipped to understand and engage the complex challenges of the twenty-first century.
Vida Robertson, Director of CSIT
Dr. Robertson brings to this position research and teaching expertise in African American
literature and racial representations. His work is deeply rooted in civil rights literature, disability studies, and egalitarianism
offering a strong foundation on which to build the Center.