Faculty-Led Programs
Faculty-Led Programs
Learn alongside UHD classmates and UHD professor(s) on an academic experience abroad! These programs are designed by UHD faculty members and are academically based, credit-bearing courses that incorporate travel to a specific location. Studying abroad during the Fall/Winter, Spring, or Summer sessions is an excellent introduction to life in another country and also serves as an alternative to those who do not have the flexibility to participate in semester-long study abroad programs. Faculty-led programs are an affordable, easy way to study abroad and fulfill core and major requirements, as well as elective hours. The travel portion of the program is short-term, typically lasting 1 to 3 weeks. Details and costs vary depending on the program.

Partner University | Exchange Program
University of Houston-Downtown has established partnerships with a number of universities around the world where a specific agreement has been created, and a student from UHD and a student from a partner university get to trade places. Exchanges allow students to spend a semester or summer abroad and provide a full immersion experience at a foreign university. Students pay UHD Tuition and are required to take a full-time course load while abroad. Courses taken abroad will count as institutional credit upon completion and will earn a grade/grade point. An exchange program is most appropriate for a student who is typically self-reliant, highly motivated, and willing to adapt to unfamiliar settings and teaching styles. It is a great way for a student to learn both about another culture and about themselves.
UHD ExchangeAffiliate | Third-Party Programs
While UHD has exchange programs in 7 countries and a variety of faculty-led programs every year, some students still may not find a program that fits their particular needs. Affiliate programs allow UHD to offer a wider range of programs in unique locations and provide on-site support to students throughout their study abroad experience. Programs tend to be at least one semester long; however, there are “J-Term” and short summer options available. All program costs (tuition, room & board, fees, etc.) will be paid directly to the affiliated third-party provider. NOTE: Most financial aid is not available for summer, so be sure to check with a Financial Aid counselor about federal aid that can be used/extended, like Pell Grants. Many affiliate providers offer scholarships. Students will earn transfer credit that is not calculated into UHD GPA. These programs are good for students who are looking to study in a country where exchange isn’t offered.
Affilliate Programs