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Dean's Newsletter

Message from the Dean

Dear CST Gators & Friends,

We are excited to present to you the inaugural CST Dean’s Newsletter, here in the 50th Anniversary of UHD and the 25th Anniversary of the Scholars Academy. Expect to see this newsletter twice yearly in your inbox. Celebrating UHD’s 50th Anniversary, in this issue and the next, we will share some historical highlights of CST across the years.

The College of Sciences & Technology (CST) has experienced remarkable growth and as you will see in these newsletters, students, alumni, faculty, and staff have made important contributions to their communities and to science. CST’s programming continues to expand with Bachelor’s degrees in Data Science, Geosciences, and Nursing. Adding to the CST portfolio of degrees are Master’s degrees in Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, along with graduate certificates. And, we have more degrees in the works!

In 2019, UHD opened a new science laboratory building housing the new Center for Urban Agriculture & Sustainability, and as you might anticipate with this Center’s presence, the new Sciences & Technology Building is Gold LEED certified, the first in the University of Houston System. It is truly a remarkable building that students around UHD use to hang out and study. Come visit!

Many of you have provided invaluable support of CST through your donated time to engage our students and your pocketbook. We are deeply appreciative and thank you, in advance, for your continued support and contributions to our shared success.

All the best,
Akif Uzman

CST by the Numbers


Degrees awarded in past 5 years

  • 1,462 Baccalaureate degrees
  • 239 Master of Science in Data Analytics

Growth in Majors in past 10 years

  • Number of CST declared majors has increased by 75%. (1,983 in Fall 2023)
  • The proportion of CST grads contributing to all UHD grads has increased by over 70% [7.8% to 13.6%]

Fall 2023 Top Enrollment Majors

Computer Science   620   5th largest UHD major
Biology      600   6th largest UHD major


Program Highlight

AI Degree Guide
TechGuide Magazine

Master of Science in AI recognized by
AI Degree Guide and TechGuide

Our Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence ( MSAI ) program, launched in
Fall 2022, has already gained significant recognition.  AI Degree Guide has honored our program as a “Top Pick of the Very Best Master’s Programs in Artificial Intelligence,” placing UHD in esteemed company alongside some of the nation’s leading tech and research universities. Additionally, TechGuide has ranked UHD’s MSAI program at an impressive #30 among the Best Master’s in Artificial Intelligence Programs for 2024.


Faculty & Student Highlights


Speed of Sound and Critical Flow

The speed of sound dictates the rate at which disturbances propagate through a medium. Critical flow delineates the point at which fluid behavior undergoes a significant transformation. Dr. Henry Foust III Computer Science & Engineering Technology (CSET) unravels these concepts in his book Speed of Sound and Critical Flow which will be published in Springer’s book series on Shock Wave and High-Pressure Phenomena. Dr. Foust’s overview aims to provide a foundational understanding of these concepts, essential for navigating challenges in fields such as seismology, aerospace engineering, and industrial process design.

Dr. Henry Foust

Dr. Henry Foust

REU image

Student Research Experiences in Computational Sciences and Engineering

We are pleased to announce that the NSF REU Program “ Research Experiences in Computational Sciences and Engineering ” (PI: Dr. Vassilios Tzouanas, Co-PIs: Drs. Dvijesh Shastri, Benjamin Soibam, Emre Yilmaz, Arash Rahmatian, Henry Foust, and Mahmud Hasan) will run this summer at UHD. Eight undergraduate students will tackle real-world challenges using advanced computational methods. Projects include 3D genome network analysis, privacy-preserving data sharing, autonomous vehicle driver attentiveness detection, feedback controller design for process automation, virtual meeting human engagement analysis, floating barrier design, and industry model comparison. This is a great opportunity for students to contribute to cutting-edge research.

Dr. Xyanthine Parillon Impacting STEM Education

Biology lecturer Dr. Xyanthine Parillon’s blog was featured in January 2024 by American Association for the Advancement of Science Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (AAAS-IUSE). This blog is dedicated to promoting research on inclusive STEM ecosystems for faculty and students.

Dr. Parillon was recently selected by the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society to join a panel of eight authors for their national certification exam.

Dr. Xyanthine Parillon

Dr. Xyanthine Parillon

CUAS Recycling Program

students recycling

The Center for Urban Agriculture & Sustainability ( CUAS ) is at the forefront of promoting campus sustainability. Last year, CUAS, in collaboration with the Facilities Management team and the UHD Sustainability Council, initiated a meticulously curated recycling program, generously supported by Coca Cola funding. Initially concentrated on four UHD buildings, the program has experienced remarkable expansion. Presently, it collects 20 lb of recyclable plastic weekly, efficiently sorted by dedicated student volunteers. This is a 40-fold increase from the program’s modest beginning just one year ago. Further, data analysis has revealed consistently very low contamination rates, which ensure the success of actual recycling of these materials.

Looking ahead, CUAS Recycling Program seeks to expand its reach and engagement across the campus community, encouraging greater participation and promoting environmental stewardship. Through continued collaboration and innovation, CUAS aims to set new benchmarks for sustainability on campus and inspire positive change beyond its borders.

student in a Workshop

MSDA Hosts Workshop for Data Analytics

An introductory SQL workshop, coordinated by Dr. Patrick King and sponsored by the MS in Data Analytics Program, was held in the Sciences and Technology Building on March 16, 2024. This three-hour event drew a crowd of 25 attendees including students from the MSDA program. The workshop was organized and led by members of the Houston Data Visualization Meetup. This workshop provided valuable insights and handson experience in SQL.

Group Picture with student of the Southern Regional Algebra Conference

Southern Regional Algebra Conference

The Southern Regional Algebra Conference was held at UHD on 22-24 March 2024. Held annually since 1988, the conference brings together algebraists from the Gulf Coast region and around the globe. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics hosted this year’s event with support from the College of Sciences and Technology and the National Science Foundation. Conference organizers were MS faculty Drs. Jean Bernard Nganou, Ali Duman, and Manesh Kumar.

Dr. Parker Honored at Women in STEM Event at UHCL

Dr. Mary-Jo Parker, Executive Director of Scholars Academy, received well-deserved recognition at the Women in STEM Event hosted by UHCL on March 19, 2024. Her wealth of expertise in K-12 and higher education, STEM recruitment, and bridging the gap for minority STEM students were highlighted. Also celebrated was her dedication to supporting STEM majors through securing scholarships, sustaining a mentoring network, and broadening student experiences.

Dr.Mary Jo Parker

Dr. Mary Jo Parker

several pictures showing students on the AI Competition

Emerging Voices in STEM

Supported by a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the CST Emerging Voices in STEM event brought together early career scientists to lead conversations with students on navigating through challenges such as impostor syndrome, work/life balance, and feeling marginalized. The workshop stressed the importance of mentorship, networking, and the power of storytelling. As one student commented, “This experience was uplifting, re-energizing, and motivating to know where the key guests have been and where they are now. To hear their stories and the want for us to succeed is empowering. Thank you.”

Look for future events by the SynergIE team, Drs. J. Johnson, Kang, Morano, Sadana, Shoemaker, Visbal, and Uzman.

several pictures showing students on the AI Competition

UHD’s First AI Competition

Student clubs associated with the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Service Institutions (CAHSI) organized UHD’s first AI competition on April 5, 2024. The event was supported by Drs. Dvijesh Shastri and Subash Pakhrin along with CAHSI Coordinator Mr. Benito Vasquez. Over 70 undergraduate and graduate students and volunteers participated in the five-hour long competition. The goal of the event was to expose students to the latest advancements in Deep Learning. The event sponsors included CAHSI-Google, UHD’s MS in Artificial Intelligence Program, and Scholars Academy.


Faculty Publications in 2023

(Bold indicates CST faculty member, asterisk indicates UHD student)

  • Baird A., Suydam R., Postma L., Georges M.*, Rimmelin A.*, George J., Bickham J. (2023). Development of a new SNP panel for bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus). J. Cetacean Research and Management. 24(1), 13-27.

  • Cahoy, D., Sedransk, J. (2023). Combining data from surveys and related sources. Survey Methodology, 49(1),

  • Chan, Y., Athaide, E. (2023) When Functionally Graded Materials Meet Higher Order Simplified Strain Gradient Elasticity Theory. Applied Mathematical Modelling. .

  • Kim, D., Crippen, T. L., Dhungel, L., Delclos, P. J., Tomberlin, J. K., & Jordan, H. R. (2023). Behavioral interplay between mosquito and mycolactone produced by Mycobacterium ulcerans and bacterial gene expression induced by mosquito proximity. PLoS ONE, 18(8), e0289768. journal.pone.0289768

  • Blessley, M., Davila, R., Hale, T., Pepper, R. (2023) The contagion number: How fast can a disease spread? Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering 6(1), 219-239. https://doi. org/10.31181/dmame060128022023b .

  • Garza, C. (2023). A Family of Distributions on Learnable Problems without Uniform Convergence. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Open Science Index 195, International Journal of Cognitive and Language Sciences, 17(3), 186 - 192.

  • Ge, S., Yang C., Qu Z., et al. (2023) Association between seropositivity for toxocariasis and cognitive functioning in older adults: an analysis of cross-sectional data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2011–2014. BMJ Open 13:e068974.

  • Li C., Ge, S., Yin Y., Tian C., Mei Y. and Han P. (2023) Frailty is associated with worse cognitive functioning in older adults. Front. Psychiatry 14:1108902. .

  • Zhou, T., Qu, Z., Ge, S., Wu, X., Zhang, X., Wang, A., Tang, X., (2023) Frailty knowledge level and its influencing factors among older adults in China, Geriatric Nursing 50, 247-254. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.gerinurse.2023.01.004 .

  • Menczel, J., Grebowicz, J. (2023) Handbook of Differential Scanning Calorimetry: Techniques, Instrumentation, Inorganic, Organic and Pharmaceutical Substances. Elsevier, ISBN: 9780128113479; eBook ISBN: 9780128113486,

  • Zuberi, Y.A.*, Diaz-Sanchez, A.*, Gutierrez, J.*, Jakubowski, S.J., Saha, S. (2023) Isolation and Annotation of Xitlalli, a Cluster EK1 Actinobacteriophage Isolated Using Microbacterium foliorum, Microbiology Resource Announcements 12(2).

  • Allaire, F. S., King, J. P., & Frenzel, A. C. (2023). Measuring Science-Teaching Affect: First Results on the Science Teaching Emotions Scales (Sci-TES). Journal of Science Teacher Education, 1–15.

  • Qin, G., Chao, C., Lattery, L. J., Lin, H., Fu, W., Richdale, K., Cai, C., Tear Proteomic Analysis of Young Glasses, Orthokeratology, and Soft Contact Lens Wearers, Journal of Proteomics, Vol. 270, No. 104738, January 2023, .

  • Ahluwalia, K., HL, G., Rashmi R, Lin, H., Comparative Analysis of Various SMS Spam Detection Methods using Machine Learning, Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2023), Singapore, June 16-18, 2023.

  • Biyogmam, G.R., Nganou, J.B., Tchamna, S. (2023) An introduction to dirings. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 16(3), 2350050.

  • Heubo-Kwegna, O.A., Nganou, J.B. (2023) Radically principal MV-algebras Math. Slovaca 73(1), 25-36.

  • Lele, C., Nganou, J.B., Oumarou, C.M.S. (2023) Quasihyperarchimedean BL-algebras. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 463, 10841.

  • Pakhrin S.C. et al., LMPhosSite: A Deep Learning-Based Approach for General Protein Phosphorylation Site Prediction Using Embeddings from the Local Window Sequence and Pretrained Protein Language Model, Journal of Proteome Research 2023 22 (8), 2548-2557, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.2c0066

  • Aggarwal R, Kumar P, Jain N, Hooda M, Kumar S, Sadana R, Lwanga R*, Guzman A*, Chugh H, and Chandra R (2023). Synthesis and In vitro-In silico Evaluation of Thiazolo-triazole Hybrids as Anticancer Candidates. Chemistry Select. 8, e20230136.

  • Shoemaker K., Ger R., Court L.E., Aerts H., Vannucci M., Peterson C.B. (2023), Bayesian feature selection for radiomics using reliability metrics. Front. Genet. 14, 1112914.

  • Nguyen, M*, Roman, GW, Soibam, B, (2023) Drosophila Genotypes can be Predicted from Their Exploration Locomotive Trajectories using Supervised Machine Learning, Behavioral Processes, Volume 212, 2023

  • Soibam, B, (2023), ChromNetMotif: a Python tool to extract chromatin-sate marked motifs in a chromatin interaction network. Bioinformatics Advances (3)1, vbad126.

  • Tzouanas V., and Barbieri, E. (2023) “Design of Adaptive PID Controllers Subject to Process Constraints,” 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 614-619,

  • Barbieri, E., and Tzouanas, V. (2023)”A Transmission Rate Estimator & Controller for Infectious Disease SIR Models - Constant Case,” 2023 American Control Conference (ACC), San Diego, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 3239-3244,

  • Yilmaz, E., Ayday, E. (2023) Probabilistic Fingerprinting Scheme for Correlated Data. 37th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec).

  • Jiang, Y., Yilmaz, E., Ayday, E. (2023) Robust Fingerprint of Privacy-Preserving Location Trajectories. 23rd Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS).

  • Ji, T., Ayday, E., Yilmaz, E., Li, M., Li, P. (2023) Privacy-Preserving Database Fingerprinting. Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium.

Spotlight on Alumni


Distinguished Alumni Giving Back

UHD 1991 Computer Science alum Antonio Marin and his wife Carmen Marin (1991 UHD Business Alum) have had very successful careers. They met and married while at UHD. In 2023 Antonio was recognized with a UHD Distinguished Alum Award. Through a generous donation initiated in 2015, they have established the Carmen and Antonio Marin Scholarship to support computer science and Master of Science in Data Analytics students at UHD.

Antonio Martin

Antonio Martin

Advancing at UHD

UHD 2005 Biology alumna Dr. Elizabeth Villegas earned a doctorate from Baylor College of Medicine (2014) where she contributed to cancer research efforts. She returned to UHD as a faculty lecturer in biology and later served as Assistant Dean of CST. Her current role at UHD as of 2023 is as Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management. She describes her mission: to break down barriers and make quality education accessible to all.

Dr. Elizabeth Villegas

Dr. Elizabeth Villegas

Two UHD degrees and Double Impact

UHD 2009 Mathematics alumna Courtney Watts embodies the spirit of continuous learning and giving back to her alma mater. Courtney's thirst for knowledge led her back to UHD, where she pursued a Master of Science in Data Analytics, graduating in 2017. She has forged a successful career path, currently serving as a Data Scientist in Analytics & Business Insights at Columbus A/S, a global IT services and consulting company. Driven to make a difference for UHD students, Courtney established the Myrtle C. & James L. Watts Scholarship for MS in Data Analytics at UHD while also honoring her grandparents Ms. Myrtle C. & James L. Watts. She also generously dedicates some of her time and expertise by serving as an adjunct professor for freshman statistics courses at UHD.

Courtney Watts

Courtney Watts

Two Math Alumni @ Relational AI

UHD 2012 Mathematics alumni David Amos and Randy Davila both currently employed at RelationalAI - the industry’s first AI coprocessor for data clouds and language models utilizing a groundbreaking relational knowledge graph system. Among David’s & Randy’s many other professional accomplishments David co-authored a bestselling book on Amazon on Python Basics, now in its 4th edition, and Randy after receiving a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Johannesburg (South Africa) taught as an assistant professor at UHD for a few years.

David Amos

David Amos

Dr. Randy Davila

Dr. Randy Davila

A Brief History of CST


1974 After purchase of the One Main Building from South Texas Junior College, UH-System establishes the UH Downtown College (UHDC). The only baccalaureate degree is a BS in Criminal Justice. First & second year STEM courses are available in biology, chemistry, geology, physics, engineering, and mathematics. STEM courses are offered in the Division of Mathematics (Chair, June P. Wood) Division of Sciences (Chair, Frank Price).

STEM faculty including those who stayed on as UHD professors or administrators for more than 30 years (in bold):

  • T. Chaney Anderson, Mathematics
  • Brenda Auld, Mathematics
  • Elizabeth Bollinger, Mathematics
  • Jane Wood Currie, Chemistry
  • Donald Derrick, Chemistry
  • Marjorie S. Freeman, Mathematics
  • Thomas H. Garrison, Biology
  • Raymond A. Gerdes, PhD, Biology
  • Carol Ghomi (Vobach), EdD, Mathematics
  • Betty, F. Hinman, PhD, Mathematics
  • Nancy Holder, Mathematics
  • Marilyn K. Jones, Chemistry
  • Cherry Mauk, Mathematics
  • Kenneth Oberhoff, PhD, Mathematics
  • John F. Pierce, PhD, Physics
  • John J. Pierce, Physics
  • R.C. Pierce, Mathematics
  • Frank E. Price, Biology
  • Roy Ferrell Russell, Mathematics
  • William E. Tipton, Geology
  • June P. Wood, Mathematics

1976-1979 These early years of UHDC saw the differentiation of academic disciplines and more technical disciplines into two divisions. Our current STEM disciplines were distributed across the two new divisions. In 1979, UHDC became the University of Houston – Downtown as an independent university in the UH system.

The Academic Studies Division (Dean, Jeffrey Bobbitt) offered a BS General Studies (in subsequent years beyond 1979, concentrations in mathematics and each of the basic sciences were developed). Within this division there were two STEM departments: Mathematics (Chair, June P. Wood); Natural Sciences (Chair, Larry Spears).

The Technical Studies Division (Dean, Stanley Ebner) had two business departments and the Department of Engineering Technology (Chair, Hakumat Israni), which offered a BS in Engineering Technology with concentrations in Process & Piping Design and Electrical Design & Structural Design.

1982-1991 In 1982, UHD renamed two divisions to better reflect more traditional academic areas, with several new degrees.

Division of Arts & Sciences (Dean, Jeffrey Bobbitt)

  • The Department of Applied Mathematics saw a new Chair, Richard Alo, and new degrees with a BS in Applied Mathematics, which then became in 1985 three degrees, BS Applied Mathematics, BS Computer Science, and BS Quantitative Methods.
  • The Department of Natural Sciences (Chair, Larry Spears) inaugurated in 1985 its first two degrees in BS Applied Microbiology (1985) and BS Industrial Chemistry (1985)

Division of Business & Technology (Dean, Stanley Ebner)

  • The Department of Engineering Technology (Chair, Hakumat Israni) in 1984, created three new degrees from their original degree in engineering technology: the BSET Electrical/Electronics Design, the BSET Structural Analysis & Design and the BSET in Process & Piping Design.

1991 UHD restructures its academic units, resulting in the formation of the College of Sciences & Technology with three departments, Computer & Mathematical Sciences, Engineering Technology, and Natural Sciences.

New degrees in the sciences became available, BS Biological & Physical Sciences and BS Applied Physics. Approaching the new century, other key degrees emerged in the sciences, BS Biology, BS Biotechnology, and BS Chemistry. In Engineering Technology, BSET Control Instrumentation Electronics Design, which would be renamed in 2008 to BSET Control Instrumentation Engineering Technology (CIET) and the renaming of BSET in Structural Analysis & Design to Structural Analysis with Design Option.

1998-present With a new chairs policy adopted by UHD, CST began to see a series of new chairs in each department for the next 26 years. In Computer & Mathematical Sciences, Dr. Richard Alo was succeeded by Drs. Kenneth Oberhoff, Dennis Rodriquez, Sam Xie, and Ryan Pepper. In Engineering Technology, Mr. Stanley Ebner was succeeded by Drs. Alberto Gomez-Rivas, Weining Feng, Kenneth Oberhoff, Vassilios Tzouanas, along with Mr. Ed Sheinberg. In Natural Sciences, Dr. Larry Spears was succeeded by Drs. Akif Uzman, Lisa Morano, Phil Lyons, and Rachna Sadana.

New degrees emerged in the next few years in mathematics and statistics, BA Mathematics and BS Applied Statistics. A BS Safety & Fire was morphed into a Bachelor of Applied Arts & Sciences (BAAS) in Safety Management. A BSET Fire Protection was briefly piloted but its curriculum was integrated into the BAAS Safety Management.

As college enrollment and curriculum grew, assistant and associate dean positions were created to help coordinate and manage curriculum develop, scheduling, and student progression through the degrees to help improve graduation rates. Drs. Kenneth Oberhoff, RaShonda Flint, Elizabeth Villegas, and Ms. Angel Griffin have served in those roles since 1998. Drs. Kenneth Oberhoff and Ermelinda DeLaViña have served as associate deans since 2004.

1999 Scholars Academy was established by Drs. Richard Alo and Larry Spears, with $1.85M grant from Office of Naval Research. Faculty mentors included Drs. Becerra, Flosi, Lyons, McCullough, Sirisaengtaksin with Ms. Miriam Morales as the first peer mentor along with a cohort of 28 students. A new era of undergraduate research experiences begins, showcased in the first Student Research Conference in 2001.

2012-present After serving for 14 years as dean, Dr. George Pincus returned to the faculty and was succeeded by Dr. Akif Uzman. In the next five years, college departments were reorganized and several new degrees established. Faculty in Computer Science joined the Engineering Technology faculty in 2013 to form the Department of Computer Science & Engineering Technology, and the Department of Computer & Mathematical Sciences became the Department of Mathematics & Statistics.

New degrees included BS Geosciences, BS Nursing (RN-to-BSN completion program for RN nurses), BS Data Science, and the college’s first master’s degree, MS in Data Analytics. In 2022, the second master’s degree in the College was initiated, the MS in Artificial Intelligence.


Recent Faculty Retirements

In the past couple of years, three members of the CST faculty have retired after many years of service to UHD and making a difference in the lives of untold numbers of students. The College gives thanks to our retiring faculty for their dedication and commitment to teaching and learning and wishes them all the best.

  • Dr. Steve London, Professor of Mathematics, retired after 41 years at UHD.
  • Dr. Kenneth Oberhoff, Professor Mathematics & Computer Science, retired after 49 years at UHD.
  • Dr. Janusz Grebowicz, Professor of Physics, retired after 20 years at UHD.
  • Dr. Larry Sterna, Senior Lecturer of Physics, retired after 15 years at UHD.

CST Newsletter Committee

Dr. Akif Uzman
Dr. Ermelinda DeLaVina
Ms. Angel Griffin
Mr. Joshua Segura
Dr. J. Patrick King
Dr. Henry Foust
Dr. Kenneth Johnson

Dean's List Button

Fall 2023 CST Dean's list students recieved the first ever Dean's list buttons
CST Button Version 1 CST Button Version 2