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Annotating and Editing in DocuWare

Documents can be annotated and edited in the DocuWare Document Viewer, but your ability to do so depends on your level of access. Annotating and Editing tools are stored in a collapsible toolbar. The toolbar is customizable and can be displayed on either the left or right side of the viewer, or both. Start by opening a document from Searches or Document trays.

Document Viewer Toolbar

All users can access the toolbar, which is hidden by default.
To expand the toolbar, click the caret in the top left corner of the Document Viewer.

a screenshot of the toolbar
The toolbar opens on the left side of the document and contains three main sections by default:
  1. Tools
  2. Annotations
  3. Display

a screenshot of the toolbars available
Each of the three sections of the toolbar is described below.


Most of the tools are available to all DocuWare users. Tools that are only available to Editors/Scanners are marked by an asterisk in the table below.

a screenshot of the Tools options


Annotations allow you to markup the document in overlay layers that do not destroy pixels in the original document. Annotations can be saved. Annotations are only available to Editors and Scanners. If you are a Viewer only, you will not be able to use the Annotation toolbar.

a screenshot of the Annotations options


Change the display settings of the document for ease of viewing in the document viewer. For viewers, the changes are only temporary during the viewing session. Editor and/or scanners can save changes to display settings of documents.

a screenshot of the Display options

Customize the Viewer

Customize the toolbars in the Document Viewer to show and hide tools. You can also add a second right hand toolbar if you prefer.
     1. Start by clicking the caret next to your user profile.
     2. Click Settings.

a screenshot of the settings button
     3. Click the Viewer tab in the top level tabs.
Choose if you’d like to the Viewer to open in the same window, or a new window.

a screenshot of the View tab options
     4. In the Viewer Toolbars dialogue, expand and collapse the sections using the plus (+) and minus (-) toggles. 
By default, all tools appear in the Left toolbar.

a screenshot of the viewer toolbars dialog box
     5. To move items into the Right toolbar, click an item in the Left toolbar, then click the right arrow in the center.
     6. Use the Activate/Deactivate options to show and hide tools.

a screenshot of the activate/deactivate option
     7. After arranging and activating/deactivating toolbars, click Save & Close.


For additional support, email TTLCTRAINING@UHD.EDU.