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Test Presentation Options

When you choose to deliver a test or quiz in Canvas the questions can be displayed either all at once, or one question at a time. 

Finding and Editing the Test Presentation Options

1. Locate the test or quiz you’ve created and click on the name of the quiz.

a screenshot of the Test quiz in Canvas

2. Click the Edit button on the top right

a screenshot of the Edit button

3. Scroll down to the Options section of this page find the Option for "Show one question at a time". NOTE: Tests are shown all at once by default.

a screenshot of the options section for the quiz
4. If you select the checkbox, you'll have an option to "Lock questions after answering", which will prevent your students from being able to go back and change their answers once they've completed a question. 
screenshot detailing lock questions option

5. Click Save on the bottom right when you are done editing the test options and want to save them.

a screenshot of the Save button

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