IT Scholarship 2017
In Memory of...
Zorion Vicente Esquivel

You will live.
As long as I live,
You will be remembered.
As long as I live,
You will be loved.
Recipients of the IT Scholarship for 2017
Edna Soto

Edna Soto is 26 years old from Mexico, but moved to the United States about 9 years ago. She started her education in a ESL program back in 2008. She could barely speak or write English and now she is almost done with her Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry with a minor in Biology. Her goal is to go to Pharmacy school. Winning the scholarship has encouraged her to work harder in order to achieve her goals.
Alixa Bahena

Ali works for USS on the Service Desk. Why? Excellent critical thinking skills, professional demeanor, sincere volunteerism, commitment to customer satisfaction, and a passion for learning are just a few of the descriptors her co-workers use to describe her. She is very close to finishing her degree. Oscar Delacruz describes her journey this way: she has paved her road the old fashioned way with hard work and commitment.
Angie Chicas

Angie has a passion for web design and hopes to find a job that strikes a balance between web development and her creativity. Her positive attitude is contagious among the USS staff. Her stellar academic performance helped her make the Deans List for the College of Sciences and Engineering Technology. Not bad for her first year here at UHD.
Andrea Gomez

Andrea is described by her student coworkers at nice, dedicated, hard working, smart, and friendly. Her goal is to become a nurse and these qualities will help her as she pursues a career in nursing. When she isn't studying she can be found caring for her two dogs Tramp and Spike. Her supervisors recognized her talent and encouraged her to apply for the scholarship.