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UHD Faculty

Name Title Department Email Phone
Parmeter, Jill Adjunct Faculty Urban Education parmeterj@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Parker, Mary Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences parkerm@uhd.edu713-221-8471
Parker, Laura Ruth Assistant Professor Social Sciences parkerl@uhd.edu713-221-8401
Patterson, Nicolle Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences pattersonn@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Patrick, Amelia Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology patricka@uhd.edu713-221-8441
Paskelian, Ohaness Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management paskeliano@uhd.edu713-221-8204
Palacio-Lopez, Kattia Assistant Professor Natural Sciences palaciolopezk@uhd.edu713-221-8410
Pakhrin, Subash Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology pakhrins@uhd.edu713-221-5819
Page, Mary Adjunct Faculty Urban Education pagem@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Parillon, Xyanthine Lecturer Natural Sciences parillonx@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Paluka, April Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages palukaa@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Palis, Glenn Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain palisg@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Pennington, Mary Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication penningtonma@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Pelz, Charles Lecturer Criminal Justice pelzc@uhd.edu713-221-8983
Pei, Zhi Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain peiz@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Perez, Deborah Adjunct Faculty Urban Education perezd@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Pereira Diaz, Gloria Adjunct Faculty Social Work
Pepper, Ryan Professor Mathematics and Statistics pepperr@uhd.edu713-221-8467
Paz-Giraldo, Carolina Adjunct Faculty Urban Education pazgiraldoc@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Pavletich, JoAnn Special Faculty English
Pavelich, Andrew Professor History, Humanities and Languages pavelicha@uhd.edu713-221-8094
Pedroza, Mesias Lecturer Natural Sciences pedrozam@uhd.edu713-226-5237
Pedrana, Angela Lopez Special Faculty Urban Education pedranaa@uhd.edu713-221-2779
Pearson, Elaine Adjunct Faculty Applied Administration pearsone@uhd.edu713-221-5091
Nguyen, Terri Adjunct Faculty Management nguyente@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Nguyen, Nhatthien Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice nguyennh@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Nguyen, Ha Senior Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics nguyenha@uhd.edu713-221-8012
Niznik, Aaron Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences niznika@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Nguyen, Vien Senior Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics nguyenv@uhd.edu713-221-8435
Nguyen, Thai Lecturer Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management nguyentha@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Neale, Nathan Associate Professor Management nealen@uhd.edu713-223-7962
Nazari, Ahmad Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology nazaria@uhd.edu713-221-8441
Nayebpour, Mohamad Clinical Faculty Management nayebpourm@uhd.edu713-221-8262
Nguyen, Hien Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics
Nguyen, Bryan Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Nganou, Jean Associate Professor Mathematics and Statistics nganouj@uhd.edu713-221-5859
Osterman, John Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences
Osterberg, Susan Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication osterbergs@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Osipitan, Ositomiwa Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences osipitano@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Pacious, Daniel Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages paciousd@uhd.edu713-221-8497
Oxley, Rebecca Lecturer English oxleyr@uhd.edu713-221-8482
Oti, George Adjunct Faculty English otig@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Ocampo, Nelson Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Nuwal, Tara Lecturer Applied Administration nuwalt@uhd.edu713-221-5327
Nowak, William Associate Professor History, Humanities and Languages nowakw@uhd.edu713-221-8673
Olcay Guner, Nadide Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management olcaygunern@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Okome, Gloria Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences okomeg@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Odom, Christopher Adjunct Faculty Accounting and International Business odomc@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Redl, Timothy Professor Mathematics and Statistics redlt@uhd.edu713-226-5224
Rayon, Leo Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication rayonl@uhd.edu713-221-8646
Raymundo, Melissa Lecturer Social Sciences raymundom@uhd.edu713-221-8536
Ren, Peter Clinical Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management renp@uhd.edu713-222-5380
Rejaie, Azar Professor Arts and Communication rejaiea@uhd.edu713-222-5300
Reeve, Joseph Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences reevej@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Rasheed, Md Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences rasheedm@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Ramirez, Anthony Assistant Professor Arts and Communication ramirezant@uhd.edu713-221-5257
Rainey, Jeni Adjunct Faculty Urban Education NOUHDEMAIL@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Raychawdhuri, Anita Assistant Professor English raychawdhuria@uhd.edu713-221-8453
Rawal, Bhavna Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences rawalb@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Rauniar, Rupak Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain rauniarr@uhd.edu713-221-5892
Rivera, Sanny Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences riveras@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Rivera, Jose Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences
Rivera, Elias Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice riveraeli@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Robinson, Robert Adjunct Faculty Management robinsonro@uhd.edu713-221-5824
Robinson, Demetria Adjunct Faculty Management robinsonde@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Robertson, Vida Associate Professor History, Humanities and Languages robertsonv@uhd.edu713-222-5369
Reyna, Sergio Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages reynas@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Reyes, Vanesa Adjunct Faculty Urban Education reyesv@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Reyes, Blanca Adjunct Faculty Urban Education reyesb@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Ring, Annalee Assistant Professor History, Humanities and Languages ringa@uhd.edu713-221-8552
Richards, Hannah Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences
Richards, Dorothy Lecturer Accounting and International Business richardsd@uhd.edu713-223-7958
Pinelis, Yuriy Lecturer Natural Sciences pinelisy@uhd.edu713-221-8513
Philips, Tommy Adjunct Faculty Applied Administration philipst@uhd.edu713-221-8112
Pham, Ngoc (Cindy) Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Pohl, Bernardo Professor Urban Education pohlb@uhd.edu713-221-5051
Poggio, Natacha Associate Professor Arts and Communication poggion@uhd.edu713-221-5739
Pinkerton, Kim Adjunct Faculty Urban Education pinkertonk@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Miller, Diane Associate Professor Urban Education petersond@uhd.edu713-221-8585
Perez, Natasha Assistant Professor Urban Education perezn@uhd.edu713-221-5761
Perez, Daniel Assistant Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management perezda@uhd.edu713-226-5294
Pham, Minh Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology phammi@uhd.edu713-221-8441
Petts, Ashleigh Assistant Professor English pettsa@uhd.edu713-221-8076
Pettiette, Michael Senior Lecturer General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain pettiettem@uhd.edu713-223-7947
Quander, Erin Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain quandere@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Pyka, Jerry Lecturer Applied Administration pykaj@uhd.edu713-221-5861
Putnam, Kyle Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management putnamk@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Rahmatian, Arash Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology rahmatiana@uhd.edu713-221-8440
Quijano, Thelma Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences quijanot@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Quander, Judith Professor Mathematics and Statistics quanderr@uhd.edu713-226-5281
Porterfield, Mike Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics porterfieldm@uhd.edu713-221-8012
Pokkunuri, Indira Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences pokkunurii@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Pointer, Lucille Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain PointerL@uhd.edu713-222-5382
Price, Rebecca Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice pricer@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Preuss, Gene Associate Professor History, Humanities and Languages preussg@uhd.edu713-222-5308
Postigo, Angela Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages postigoa@uhd.edu713-221-8497
Nasiri, Sekineh Adjunct Faculty Urban Education nasiris@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Lourence, Benjamin Lecturer English lourenceb@uhd.edu713-221-8579
Lopez, Thomas Adjunct Faculty Management
Lopez, Nancy Senior Lecturer History, Humanities and Languages lopezn@uhd.edu713-221-8424
Lund, Giuliana Associate Professor English lundg@uhd.edu713-223-7921
Lugo, Catalina Lecturer Urban Education lugoc@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Lozano Garcia, Miguel Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Livesey, Laura Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences liveseyl@uhd.edu713-221-8299
Liu, Zishang Professor Accounting and International Business liuz@uhd.edu713-221-8599
Li, Qiang Assistant Professor Natural Sciences liq@uhd.edu713-221-8227
Logan, Lucas Associate Professor Arts and Communication loganp@uhd.edu713-221-8654
Li, Xiaoying Clinical Faculty Management lixi@uhd.edu713-221-8238
Ban, Xinyu Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics lix@uhd.edu713-221-5084
Mandell, Paul Associate Professor History, Humanities and Languages mandellp@uhd.edu713-226-5277
Malmstrom, Macylyne Lecturer Arts and Communication malmstromm@uhd.edu713-221-7965
Mallams, Sarah Lecturer Social Sciences mallamss@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Mao, Hanjin Assistant Professor Social Sciences maoh@uhd.edu713-222-5379
Manzoor, Atifa Adjunct Faculty Urban Education manzoora@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Manh, Kim Lecturer Social Sciences manhk@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Magidson, Mark Assistant Professor Criminal Justice magidsonm@uhd.edu713-221-8133
Lynch Limon, Donald Adjunct Faculty Urban Education lynchlimond@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Lundvall, Anita Adjunct Faculty Urban Education lundvalla@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Maldonado, V. Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences maldonadov@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Maldonado, David Clinical Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain maldonadod@uhd.edu713-221-5828
Maldonado, Betsabe Adjunct Faculty Urban Education maldonadob@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Kumar, Leena Professor Social Sciences kumarl@uhd.edu713-221-8696
Kumar, Archana Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences kumara@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Kubala, Jessica Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication
Latheef, Iqbal Adjunct Faculty Management
Lane, Liza Assistant Professor Social Work lanel@uhd.edu713-221-8907
Kumar, Mukesh Associate Professor Mathematics and Statistics kumarm@uhd.edu713-221-8664
Koshkin, Sergiy Professor Mathematics and Statistics koshkins@uhd.edu713-226-5567
Koshkarly, Reyhan Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences koshkarlyr@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Kosacki, Igor Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences
Krumpholz, Lindsey Lecturer Criminal Justice krumpholzl@uhd.edu713-221-8660
Kress, Lisa Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication kressl@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Kostantaras, Dean Professor History, Humanities and Languages
Linantud, John Professor Social Sciences linantudj@uhd.edu713-221-2774
Limaye, Rajeev Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology limayer@uhd.edu713-221-8441
Lee, Lori Adjunct Faculty Management leel@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Li, Peter Associate Professor Social Sciences LiP@uhd.edu713-221-2741
Lin, Shuaifu Assistant Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management linsh@uhd.edu713-221-2788
Lin, Hong Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology linh@uhd.edu713-221-2781
Lawrence, Windy Professor Arts and Communication lawrencew@uhd.edu713-221-8472
McCoy, LaShawn Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain launzal@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Latheef, Zahir Associate Professor Management latheefz@uhd.edu713-221-8113
Lee, El Franco Lecturer Arts and Communication leeiie@uhd.edu713-221-8104
LeBlanc, Melvin Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology leblancm@uhd.edu713-221-8441
Laws, Kira Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain lawsk@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Morales, Rebecca Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics moralesr@uhd.edu713-221-5835
Moore, Kyle Associate Professor Arts and Communication moorek@uhd.edu713-221-8123
Sewell, Petra Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management
Moreno, Samson Lecturer Urban Education morenos@uhd.edu713-221-2779
Moreno, Maria Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Morano, Lisa Professor Natural Sciences moranol@uhd.edu713-221-2782
Mohan, A.S. Ram Adjunct Faculty Accounting and International Business mohana@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Mohammadi, Pantea Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences mohammadip@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Moeini Chaghervand, Amirali Assistant Professor Accounting and International Business moeinichaghervanda@uhd.edu713-221-8571
Montgomery, Jennifer Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences montgomeryj@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Montgomery, Avalyn Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Mohanraj, Remya Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences mohanrajr@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Musselwhite, Donald Senior Lecturer Natural Sciences musselwhited@uhd.edu713-223-5374
Murphy, Randall Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences murphyran@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Munoz, Orlando Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology munozo@uhd.edu713-221-8441
Nakamura, Mitsue Senior Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics nakamuram@uhd.edu713-221-8556
Nail, Robert Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences nailr@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Blumberg, Bonnie Senior Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics nadlerb@uhd.edu713-221-8408
Mosquera, Richard Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice
Morrison, Stephen Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice morrisons@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Botsford Morgan, Whitney Botsford Professor Management morganw@uhd.edu713-226-5559
Muire, Katharine Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics
Mueller, Bridget Senior Lecturer Arts and Communication muellerb@uhd.edu713-221-8010
Mougouris, Tina Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences
Matthews, Carolyn Adjunct Faculty Urban Education matthewsc@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Mattazzi, Kareem Adjunct Faculty Management
Mata, Margaret Lecturer English matama@uhd.edu713-221-8254
McCarty, Dawn Professor Social Work mccartyd@uhd.edu713-221-2729
McBayne, Melisa Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain mcbaynem@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Matveeva, Natalya Professor Arts and Communication MatveevaN@uhd.edu713-222-5371
Martinez, Jacqueline Adjunct Faculty Urban Education martinezjacq@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Marshall, Ethan Assistant Professor Criminal Justice marshalle@uhd.edu713-221-2764
Marmolejo, Noe Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication
Massey, MaQueba Adjunct Faculty Management
Martin, Roderick Adjunct Faculty Social Work
Martin, Katharine Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain martink@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Mistry, Jasmine Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management
Mineman, Edward Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management minemane@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Minard, Meghan Senior Lecturer Natural Sciences minardm@uhd.edu713-226-5225
Mobasher, Mohsen Associate Professor Social Sciences mobasherm@uhd.edu713-221-2742
Mitha, Zeenat Senior Lecturer Arts and Communication mithaz@uhd.edu713-221-8634
Mitchell, Laura Associate Professor Urban Education mitchelll@uhd.edu713-226-5569
Mercado, Suzanne Adjunct Faculty Urban Education mercados@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Mendez, Eric Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice mendezer@uhd.edu713-221-5541
McKee, Rob Austin Associate Professor Management mckeer@uhd.edu713-221-5826
Miller, Stephen Lecturer Accounting and International Business millerst@uhd.edu713-221-5060
Mier, Artemio Adjunct Faculty Management
Mhoon, Kendra Associate Professor Mathematics and Statistics mhoonk@uhd.edu713-223-7926
Wagner, Deborah Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Vrinceanu, Isabela Lecturer Natural Sciences vrinceanui@uhd.edu713-221-8140
von Biedenfeld, Alexis Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain vonbiedenfelda@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Wallace, Shane Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice wallaces@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Walker, Faye Adjunct Faculty English walkerf@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Wales, Steven Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain waless@uhd.edu713-221-8112
Verma, Rajnish Lecturer Natural Sciences vermara@uhd.edu713-221-8626
Venugopalan, Raghunathan Associate Professor Accounting and International Business venugopalanr@uhd.edu713-221-5716
Vennard, Kimberly Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences vennardk@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Vitela, Alexandra Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Visbal, Adriana Assistant Professor Natural Sciences visbala@uhd.edu713-221-5007
Villarreal, Stalina Assistant Professor English villarreals@uhd.edu713-221-8107
Watts, Courtney Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics wattsco@uhd.edu713-221-8012
Watson, Carol Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences watsonc@uhd.edu713-221-8020
Waters, William Associate Professor English watersw@uhd.edu713-222-5345
Wei, Wei Assistant Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management weiw@uhd.edu713-221-5833
Wedes, Joan Senior Lecturer English wedesjo@uhd.edu713-222-5361
Webb, Tracy Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences webbt@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Wang, Yingchun Associate Professor Management wangy@uhd.edu713-221-2776
Wang, Xi Adjunct Faculty Management
Wang, Hsiao-Ming Professor Criminal Justice wangh@uhd.edu713-221-8691
Wang, Zhonghao Assistant Professor Management wangz@uhd.edu713-221-5824
Wang, Yue Adjunct Faculty Management
Wang, Yiding Assistant Professor Accounting and International Business wangyi@uhd.edu713-221-5036
Trainer, Kayla Adjunct Faculty English trainerk@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Torres, Erik Adjunct Faculty Urban Education torreser@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Torres, Cristina Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages torrescr@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Tripathy, Shovna Assistant Professor Management tripathys@uhd.edu713-226-5239
Trevino, Robert Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences trevinorob@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Travis, Steven Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences
Tiwari, Ashwini Associate Professor Urban Education tiwaria@uhd.edu713-226-5252
Tito, Jorge Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology tito-izquierdojor@uhd.edu713-221-2772
Tierney, Robert Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages tierneyr@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Topfer, Larry Adjunct Faculty Urban Education topferl@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Topal, Hanife Lecturer Accounting and International Business topalh@uhd.edu713-226-5226
Tobin, Michael Professor Natural Sciences tobinm@uhd.edu713-221-8426
Vargas, Edward Adjunct Faculty Urban Education vargase@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Vallejo, Arthur Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences vallejoa@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Phelan, Catherine Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences
Veeramoothoo, Saveena Assistant Professor English veeramoothoos@uhd.edu713-221-8099
Vedartham, Padmaja Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences vedarthamp@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Vasquez, Benito Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication vasquezb@uhd.edu713-221-8089
Tunuguntla, Rama Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication tunuguntlar@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Tsai, Chu Chao Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages tsaic@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Trufan, Eszter Associate Professor Natural Sciences trufane@uhd.edu713-222-5306
Uzman, Akif Professor Natural Sciences uzmana@uhd.edu713-221-8019
Ugwu, Joseph Lecturer Criminal Justice ugwuj@uhd.edu713-221-8233
Tzouanas, Vassilios Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology tzouanasv@uhd.edu713-226-5272
Yoon, Jeong-Mi Professor Mathematics and Statistics yoonj@uhd.edu713-221-8457
Yilmaz, Emre Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology yilmaze@uhd.edu713-226-5215
Yemitan, Olaolu Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain yemitano@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Yuan, Shengli Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology yuans@uhd.edu713-221-8572
Young, Leslie Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences youngl@uhd.edu713-221-8140
York-Westbrook, Robert Adjunct Faculty English yorkwestbrookr@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Xu, Shuang Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management xus@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Xu, Ling Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology xul@uhd.edu713-221-5836
Xie, Shishen Professor Mathematics and Statistics xies@uhd.edu713-221-8431
Yazdi, Faraz Adjunct Faculty Management yazdif@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Yan, Ruiliang Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain yanr@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Yang, Fei Assistant Professor Criminal Justice yangf@uhd.edu713-221-8492
Zhang, Lanyi Assistant Professor Accounting and International Business zhangy@uhd.edu713-221-5062
Zhang, Ting Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology zhangtin@uhd.edu713-221-5837
Zhang, Chris Assistant Professor Management zhangg@uhd.edu713-222-5352
Zitzmann, Jonathan Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice zitzmannj@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Zhou, Steve B. Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain zhoub@uhd.edu713-226-5563
Zhang, Zhu-wen Adjunct Faculty English zhangzh@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Zaidi, Sheeba Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences zaidish@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Zafiris, Vasilis Professor Mathematics and Statistics zafirisv@uhd.edu713-221-8412
Yu, Zhimin Assistant Professor Accounting and International Business yuz@uhd.edu713-221-8267
Zendejas, Michael Adjunct Faculty English zendejasm@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Zareian, Mahin Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management zareianm@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Zamani, Ataollah Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics zamania@uhd.edu713-222-5346
Williams-Earlie, Xandra Adjunct Faculty Urban Education williamsearliex@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Wille, Richard Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice willer@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Wilkins, Bridgette Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain wilkinsb@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Williams, Patrick Associate Professor Social Sciences williamsp@uhd.edu713-221-8982
Williams, Orlando Lecturer Arts and Communication williamso@uhd.edu713-221-5330
Williams, Marvin Professor Accounting and International Business williamsm@uhd.edu713-221-8918
White, Stephen Lecturer Urban Education whites@uhd.edu713-221-8524
White, Crystal Assistant Professor Urban Education whitecr@uhd.edu713-221-5885
Westfall, Joseph Professor History, Humanities and Languages westfallj@uhd.edu713-221-2768
Wikstrom, Zachary Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics
Whitmarsh, Jonathan Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain whitmarshj@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Whitman, Norman Lecturer History, Humanities and Languages whitmanno@uhd.edu713-221-5029
Wood, Ruena Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management woodr@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Wojcik, Joseph Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice wojcikj@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Winton, Stephen Assistant Professor Urban Education wintons@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Xie, Jianling Assistant Professor Social Sciences xiej@uhd.edu713-221-2794
Wrobel-Best, Jolanta Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages wrobelbestj@uhd.edu713-221-2789
Wright, Reba Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences
Wilson, Julie Senior Lecturer Social Sciences wilsonju@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Wilson, Jemal Adjunct Faculty Management wilsonjem@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Williams, Tiffany Adjunct Faculty Urban Education williamstif@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Winn, Thomas Adjunct Faculty College of Business winnt@uhd.edu713-221-8112
Winkler, Kara Assistant Professor Arts and Communication winklerk@uhd.edu713-221-6168
Wilson, Paula Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication wilsonp@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Tian, Zhili Associate Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain tianz@uhd.edu713-221-8578
Schmadeka, Wayne Adjunct Faculty English schmadekaway@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Scharold, Dagmar Associate Professor English scharoldd@uhd.edu713-221-8297
Savani, Shahnaz Assistant Professor Social Work savanis@uhd.edu713-221-8143
Seratt, Heather Senior Lecturer English seratth@uhd.edu713-222-5339
Sen, Sam Lecturer Natural Sciences sens@uhd.edu713-221-5804
Secor, Beth Lecturer Arts and Communication secorb@uhd.edu713-221-8616
Sanborn, Robert Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences sanbornr@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Sample, Joseph Associate Professor English samplej@uhd.edu713-226-5574
Saleh, Mohamad Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management salehm@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Sartain, Heather Lecturer Natural Sciences sartainh@uhd.edu713-221-5832
Sanchez, Yvonne Adjunct Faculty English sanchezyv@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Sanchez, Julie Adjunct Faculty Urban Education sanchezju@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Shivers, Candice Lecturer Arts and Communication shiversc@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Sherif, Dalia Adjunct Faculty Management sherifd@uhd.edu713-221-8678
Shepherd, Donisha Adjunct Faculty Social Work shepherdd@uhd.edu713-222-5333
Shroff, Arpita Associate Professor Accounting and International Business shroffa@uhd.edu713-221-8609
Shokri Bousjein, Nahid Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences shokribousjeinn@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Shoemaker, Katherine Assistant Professor Mathematics and Statistics shoemakerk@uhd.edu713-221-8942
Sharp, Karen Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain sharpka@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Sharma, Nawal Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences sharman@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Shah, Robin Adjunct Faculty Applied Administration shahr@uhd.edu713-221-5091
Shembekar, Vishakha Lecturer Natural Sciences shembekarv@uhd.edu713-223-7970
Shastri, Dvijesh Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology shastrid@uhd.edu713-223-7903
Sharp, Mattie Adjunct Faculty Urban Education sharpm@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Rosby, Monisha Adjunct Faculty Urban Education rosbym@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Roncancio, Angelica Associate Professor Social Sciences roncancioa@uhd.edu713-221-8676
Romero, Reynaldo Associate Professor History, Humanities and Languages romerore@uhd.edu713-226-5549
Roubicek, Hank Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication roubicekh@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Ross, James Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages rossj@uhd.edu713-221-8497
Simmons, Anna Senior Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics rosenthala@uhd.edu713-221-2732
Rodriguez, Melanie Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages rodriguezme@uhd.edu713-221-4014
Rodriguez, Karina Lecturer Criminal Justice rodriguezk@uhd.edu713-221-8943
Rocha, Darla Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences rochada@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Rohatgi, Irma Adjunct Faculty Urban Education rohatgii@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Rogers, Tolulope Adjunct Faculty Management
Rodriguez, Richard Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics rodriguezricha@uhd.edu713-221-8012
Saavedra, Pakeithe Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice
Saad, Sal Clinical Faculty Management saads@uhd.edu713-226-5535
Saad Mohammadi, Kasra Adjunct Faculty Accounting and International Business saadmohammadik@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Said, Ihsan Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology
Saha, Sanghamitra Senior Lecturer Natural Sciences sahas@uhd.edu713-222-5357
Sadana, Rachna Professor Natural Sciences sadanar@uhd.edu713-226-5562
Rudin, Skye Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication rudins@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Rubinson, Claude Associate Professor Social Sciences rubinsonc@uhd.edu713-222-5392
Rountree, John Assistant Professor Arts and Communication rountreej@uhd.edu713-226-5280
Ryden, David Professor History, Humanities and Languages rydend@uhd.edu713-221-8607
Rufino, Katrina Professor Social Sciences rufinok@uhd.edu713-221-5094
Rueda, Elda Assistant Professor Natural Sciences ruedae@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Sullivan, Nell Professor English sullivann@uhd.edu713-226-5233
Stromberg, Joseph Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages
St Hill, Lydia Lecturer Natural Sciences sthilll@uhd.edu713-221-5844
Tankleff, Bruce Adjunct Faculty Management tankleffb@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Talaga, Godfred Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences talagag@uhd.edu713-221-8015
Ta, Kenneth Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain tak@uhd.edu713-221-8112
Stanberry, Kurt Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain stanberryk@uhd.edu713-221-8672
Stackhouse, Elizabeth Assistant Professor Urban Education stackhousee@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Spilman, Mark Adjunct Faculty Urban Education spilmanm@uhd.edu713-221-2742
Stewart, Cindy Associate Professor Social Sciences stewartci@uhd.edu713-221-8173
Stevens, Genevieve Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences stevensg@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Starosta, Kathryn Adjunct Faculty Management starostak@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Thomas, Elisa Assistant Professor Management thomasel@uhd.edu713-222-5358
Thomas, Amy Adjunct Faculty English thomasam@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Theruvathu, Jacob Assistant Professor Natural Sciences theruvathuj@uhd.edu713-221-8289
Thomas, Tammis Professor English thomast@uhd.edu713-221-8210
Thomas, Joy Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences thomasjo@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Thomas, Jarvis Lecturer Applied Administration thomasjar@uhd.edu713-226-5231
TenBrink, Candace Associate Professor Management tenbrinkc@uhd.edu713-221-5832
Tecarro, Edwin Associate Professor Mathematics and Statistics tecarroe@uhd.edu713-221-8655
Tcholakova, Rushka Adjunct Faculty Social Work tcholakovar@uhd.edu713-222-5333
Tharp, Angela Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages tharpa@uhd.edu713-221-8497
Thacker, Glenda Adjunct Faculty Urban Education thackerg@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Tengler, Mark Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences tenglerm@uhd.edu713-221-8020
Sirrianni, Leslie Lecturer Social Work sirriannil@uhd.edu713-221-8568
Singh, Kulwant Senior Lecturer Computer Science and Engineering Technology singhk@uhd.edu713-221-8403
Simper, Calvin Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages simperc@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Smith, Caroline Adjunct Faculty Management smithca@uhd.edu713-223-7922
Smalley, Richard Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics smalleyr@uhd.edu713-221-8012
Sizova, Olga Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences sizovao@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Simeonov, Plamen Professor Mathematics and Statistics simeonovp@uhd.edu713-221-8671
Siller, Patricia Clinical Faculty Urban Education
Siddiqi, Muddassir Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain siddiqimu@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Simon, Shannon Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics simons@uhd.edu713-221-8012
Simonds, Richard Assistant Professor Social Work simondsr@uhd.edu713-221-5711
Simmons, Toye Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Soibam, Benjamin Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology soibamb@uhd.edu713-226-5216
Soden, John Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages sodenj@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Snider, Ashton Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages snidera@uhd.edu713-221-8007
Spencer, Kaonta Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences
Sorto, Juan Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences sortoj@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Soland, Peter Assistant Professor History, Humanities and Languages solandp@uhd.edu713-221-8926
Smith, Jacqueline Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain smithja@uhd.edu713-221-8541
Smith, Dana Associate Professor Social Work smithda@uhd.edu713-226-5279
Smith, Claudia Senior Lecturer English smithcl@uhd.edu713-221-8484
Snell, Clete Professor Criminal Justice snellc@uhd.edu713-226-5271
Smith, Zoe Adjunct Faculty Management smithz@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Smith, Terri Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain smithte@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Koehn, Jan Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology koehnj@uhd.edu713-221-8441
Cedillos, Cesar Adjunct Faculty Management cedillosc@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Cedeno, Luis Senior Lecturer Accounting and International Business cedenol@uhd.edu713-221-8135
Ceciliano-Navarro, Yajaira Assistant Professor Social Sciences cecilianonavarroy@uhd.edu713-221-5043
Cesarco Eglin, Laura Assistant Professor English cesarcoeglinl@uhd.edu713-221-8120
Cervenka, Mark Professor Arts and Communication cervenkam@uhd.edu713-221-8043
Cekrezi, Esmeralda Adjunct Faculty Urban Education cekrezie@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Case, Theresa Professor History, Humanities and Languages caset@uhd.edu713-221-8958
Cascio, Payal Lecturer Applied Administration casciop@uhd.edu713-226-5334
Carter, Matthew Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice
Cea, Norma Adjunct Faculty Urban Education cean@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Castro, Esther Associate Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management castroe@uhd.edu713-226-5248
Casteel, Jessie Lecturer English casteelj@uhd.edu713-221-5041
Chiotti, Jennifer Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice chiottij@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Cherbonnier, Mary Adjunct Faculty Urban Education cherbonnierm@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Chen, Irene Linlin Professor Urban Education cheni@uhd.edu713-221-8038
Choudhuri, Sucheta Associate Professor English choudhuris@uhd.edu713-226-5582
Cho, Kit Associate Professor Social Sciences chok@uhd.edu713-221-8941
Chiquillo, Raquel Professor History, Humanities and Languages chiquillor@uhd.edu713-221-2743
Chatman, Timberlin Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences
Chan, Youn-Sha Professor Mathematics and Statistics chany@uhd.edu713-221-8414
Chadha, Anita Associate Professor Social Sciences chadhaa@uhd.edu713-221-2769
Cheeks, Jamal Adjunct Faculty Management cheeksj@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Berry, Maria Adjunct Faculty Social Work chavezberrym@uhd.edu713-222-5333
Chaubal, Vaishali Senior Lecturer Natural Sciences chaubalv@uhd.edu713-221-8171
Cahoy, Dexter Professor Mathematics and Statistics cahoyd@uhd.edu713-221-8117
Byrne, Pamela Adjunct Faculty Urban Education byrnep@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Byrd Moye, Johanna Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Campo, Jennifer Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences campoj@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Campbell, Matthew Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Calvin, Daphne Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Burks, Lizette Assistant Professor Urban Education burksl@uhd.edu713-221-8991
Bunin, Matthew Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages buninm@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Bundoc, Kasi Senior Lecturer Urban Education bundock@uhd.edu713-221-8665
Burns, LaTasha Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences burnsl@uhd.edu713-221-8015
Burnett, Allyson Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Burleson, Stacey Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages
Caro, Jason Professor Social Sciences caroj@uhd.edu713-221-2784
Capuozzo, Kristen Senior Lecturer Social Sciences capuozzok@uhd.edu713-221-8961
Cao, Qing (Ray) Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain caoq@uhd.edu713-221-2747
Carter, Debra Adjunct Faculty Urban Education carterd@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Carson, Gary Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain carsong@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Carrillo, Gabriel Adjunct Faculty Urban Education carrillog@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Cannaday, Bradley Lecturer Management cannadaym@uhd.edu713-221-8252
Canedo, Julio Associate Professor Management canedosotoj@uhd.edu713-226-5247
Canady, Byron Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Cantu, Carlos Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages cantuc@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Cantu, Aleha Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences cantua@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Cantalamessa, Elizabeth Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages
Dass, Raghunath Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology dassr@uhd.edu713-221-8441
Das, Nina Lecturer Natural Sciences dasn@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Dang, Bachlien Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics dangb@uhd.edu713-221-8544
Davidson, Robin Special Faculty English davidsonr@uhd.edu713-221-2716
Davey, Joe Lecturer History, Humanities and Languages daveyj@uhd.edu713-221-5090
Davenport, Anupria Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences davenporta@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Cunningham, Lily Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication
Matos-Cunningham, Keylynne Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences cunninghamk@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Cummings, Tawana Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences cummingst@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Dailey, Zach Assistant Professor Arts and Communication daileyz@uhd.edu713-221-8154
Dahlberg, Sandra Professor English dahlbergs@uhd.edu713-221-8949
Curran, Kathleen Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain currank@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Dewey, James Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice
Del Pilar, Diana Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Delclos, Pablo Assistant Professor Natural Sciences delclosp@uhd.edu713-222-5370
Dibia, Nkem Adjunct Faculty Management dibian@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Diaz, Niurka Adjunct Faculty Urban Education diazn@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Dewey, Lois Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice
Dejan, Austin Assistant Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management dejana@uhd.edu713-221-8141
Davis, Scott Associate Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain davissc@uhd.edu713-221-5865
Davis, Jonathan Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain davisg@uhd.edu713-221-8179
Delavina, Ermelinda Professor Mathematics and Statistics
Delahoussaye, Vera Adjunct Faculty Urban Education delahoussayev@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Rivera, Albert Senior Lecturer History, Humanities and Languages dejesusa@uhd.edu713-221-8628
Colbert, Sharla Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences
Colbert, Cynthia Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences colbertc@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Cohen, Dinah Associate Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain cohend@uhd.edu713-221-8203
Coleman, Stephanie Associate Professor Social Sciences colemanst@uhd.edu713-221-5088
Coleman, Joe Adjunct Faculty Urban Education colemanjo@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Coleman, Astraea Adjunct Faculty Urban Education colemanas@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Clark, Linda Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice clarklin@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Cilekci, Aktug Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics cilekcia@uhd.edu713-221-5876
Chu, Kam-Hong Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences chuk@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Cleveland, Clayton Lecturer Social Sciences clevelandc@uhd.edu713-222-5317
Clark, Taj Adjunct Faculty Management clarkta@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Clark, Shelley Adjunct Faculty Applied Administration
Creighton, Jane Special Faculty English creightonj@uhd.edu713-221-8295
Cox, Roxanne Adjunct Faculty Management coxr@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Cox-Miller, Tonye Clinical Faculty Nursing coxmillert@uhd.edu713-221-5731
Cueva, Edmund Professor History, Humanities and Languages cuevae@uhd.edu713-226-5543
Crone, Travis Professor Social Sciences cronet@uhd.edu713-221-8995
Crimi, Thomas Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain crimit@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Connors, Shahnjayla Associate Professor Social Sciences connorss@uhd.edu713-221-8419
Conde, Richard Assistant Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain condeg@uhd.edu713-221-5829
Colon Rivera, Edgardo Lecturer Social Sciences colone@uhd.edu713-221-2749
Cortez, Damaris Adjunct Faculty Social Work cortezd@uhd.edu713-222-5333
Coronado, Victor Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain coronadov@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Serrano, Danya Associate Professor Social Sciences corkind@uhd.edu713-221-2740
Guidry, Allyson Adjunct Faculty Management bullocka@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Alexander, Raven Adjunct Faculty Management alexanderra@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Albrecht, Sarah Assistant Professor Urban Education albrechts@uhd.edu713-222-5384
Akins, Casey Lecturer Criminal Justice akinsc@uhd.edu713-221-8039
Allen, Austin Associate Professor History, Humanities and Languages allena@uhd.edu713-221-5217
Allaire, Franklin Associate Professor Urban Education allairef@uhd.edu713-221-5839
Alford, Beverly Associate Professor Urban Education alfordb@uhd.edu713-222-5325
Adler, Ayden Associate Professor Arts and Communication adlera@uhd.edu713-221-7939
Acuna Rojas, Pedro Assistant Professor History, Humanities and Languages acunarojasp@uhd.edu713-221-8173
Abraham, Nissi Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences abrahamn@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Ahmed, Zafor Assistant Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management ahmedz@uhd.edu713-222-5368
Agboka, Godwin Professor English agbokag@uhd.edu713-223-7920
Adodo, Talawa Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages adodot@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Applegate, Michele Adjunct Faculty Urban Education applegatem@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Aoki, Jon Associate Professor Natural Sciences aokij@uhd.edu713-221-8687
Antenangeli, Leonardo Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences antenangelil@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Askarzadeh, Fatemeh Assistant Professor Management askarzadehf@uhd.edu713-221-8475
Aria, Ray Assistant Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management ariar@uhd.edu713-221-8295
Archiopoli, Ashley Associate Professor Arts and Communication archiopolia@uhd.edu713-221-5092
Amezcua, Jesus Adjunct Faculty Accounting and International Business amezcuaj@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Alvarez, Jose' Professor History, Humanities and Languages alvarezj@uhd.edu713-221-8649
Altamirano, Janet Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences altamiranoj@uhd.edu713-221-8497
Andrews, Bobbie Adjunct Faculty Social Work andrewsb@uhd.edu713-222-5333
Anderson, Kristin Professor Social Sciences andersonk@uhd.edu713-221-8510
Anako, N. Chineye (Chi) Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences anakon@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Kohlhausen, Donna Senior Lecturer General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain kohlhausend@uhd.edu713-221-8180
Kennebrew, Daniel Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain kennebrewd@uhd.edu713-221-8112
Islam, Anisul Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management islama@uhd.edu713-221-8914
Manrique, Justo Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management manriquej@uhd.edu713-221-8209
Luna, Carlos Adjunct Faculty Management Lunac@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Lewis, Charles Adjunct Faculty Accounting and International Business lewisc@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Deo, Prakash Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management deop@uhd.edu713-222-5377
Bentley, Joseph Adjunct Faculty Management
Ali, Syed Senior Lecturer Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management alisy@uhd.edu713-221-8933
Hashemi, Shohreh Associate Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management hashemis@uhd.edu713-221-8597
Gleason, Kimberly Senior Lecturer General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain gleasonk@uhd.edu713-222-5322
Drake, Brian Adjunct Faculty Management
Wadhwa, Darshan Professor Accounting and International Business wadhwad@uhd.edu713-221-8517
Verma, Rahul Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management vermar@uhd.edu713-221-8590
Usnick, Lee Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain usnickl@uhd.edu713-221-8135
Abou-Saad, Ibrahim Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management abousaadi@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Zhou, Zehai Associate Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management zhouz@uhd.edu713-222-5376
Wicmandy, Michelle Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain wicmandym@uhd.edu713-223-7947
Pence, Diana Associate Professor Accounting and International Business penced@uhd.edu713-221-8456
Pelaez, Rolando Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management pelaezr@uhd.edu713-221-8577
Nealy, Chynette Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain nealyc@uhd.edu713-222-5367
Tannous, Steven Lecturer Management tannouss@uhd.edu713-221-8261
Smith, Charles Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management smithc@uhd.edu713-221-8526
Penkar, Samuel Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management penkars@uhd.edu713-221-8965
Borgerson, Jacob Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology borgersonj@uhd.edu713-221-8441
Bleeker, Kacy Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice bleekerk@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Blaimont, Pauline Lecturer Natural Sciences blaimontp@uhd.edu713-221-5350
Bowden, Gabriela Associate Professor Natural Sciences bowdenm@uhd.edu713-222-5313
Boveland, Pamela Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences bovelandp@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Bouwens, Mark Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences bouwensm@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Bielakowski, Rae Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages bielakowskir@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Bichler, Aimee Lecturer Natural Sciences bichlera@uhd.edu713-221-8544
Bhalla, Prity Adjunct Faculty English bhallap@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Blackburn, Ashley Professor Criminal Justice blackburna@uhd.edu713-221-5326
Bjork, Olin Associate Professor English bjorko@uhd.edu713-223-7925
Birru, MeKonnen Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences birrum@uhd.edu713-221-5746
Bui, Dung Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management buid@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Bugg, Robert Adjunct Faculty English buggr@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Buckler, Kevin Professor Criminal Justice bucklerk@uhd.edu713-221-2733
Bui, Trinh Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics buit@uhd.edu713-221-8404
Bui, Minh Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management buim@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Buie, David Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages buied@uhd.edu713-221-8497
Brazell, Jana Adjunct Faculty Urban Education brazellj@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Branham, David Professor Social Sciences branhamd@uhd.edu713-221-8208
Brandi, Eduardo Lecturer English brandie@uhd.edu713-221-2706
Buck, Clifford Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Bryant, Pearl Adjunct Faculty Social Work bryantp@uhd.edu713-221-8568
Brown, Houston Senior Lecturer Natural Sciences brownhs@uhd.edu713-221-8487
Baly, Jacqueline Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences balyj@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Baker, Susan Professor Arts and Communication bakers@uhd.edu713-226-5298
Baker-Cano, Sarah Adjunct Faculty Urban Education bakercanos@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Hernandez, Courtney Assistant Professor Social Sciences baughc@uhd.edu713-221-5807
Barela, Andrea Adjunct Faculty Urban Education barelaa@uhd.edu713-221-5349
Banos, Tomas Adjunct Faculty Applied Administration banost@uhd.edu713-221-5091
Aykroyd, Shawn Clinical Faculty Urban Education aykroyds@uhd.edu713-221-8519
Ayala, Sara Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication ayalasa@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Auburn, Pamela Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences auburnp@uhd.edu713-221-8961
Baird, Amy Professor Natural Sciences bairda@uhd.edu713-222-5301
Babb, Stephanie Professor Social Sciences babbs@uhd.edu713-223-7918
Azubuike, Eric Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences azubuikeer@uhd.edu713-221-8497
Benton, Darius Associate Professor Arts and Communication bentond@uhd.edu713-221-5857
Bennett, Sylvia Senior Lecturer Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management bennetts@uhd.edu713-221-8067
Bennett, Elizabeth Adjunct Faculty English bennette@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Bevan, Danielle Assistant Professor Urban Education bevand@uhd.edu713-221-5715
Berry, JOSHUA Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain berryj@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Berg, Matthew Adjunct Faculty Management bergm@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Beebe, Ronald Professor Urban Education beeber@uhd.edu713-221-8689
Becwar, Michelle Adjunct Faculty Urban Education becwarm@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Beane, Susan Senior Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics beanes@uhd.edu713-223-7938
Benavides, Maria Associate Professor Natural Sciences benavidesmar@uhd.edu713-221-8170
Bell, Graham Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication bellg@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Belbot, Barbara Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice belbotb@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Huckabay, Melissa Adjunct Faculty English huckabaym@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Howard, Catherine Senior Lecturer English howardc@uhd.edu713-223-7924
Holmes, Don Senior Lecturer Accounting and International Business holmesd@uhd.edu713-223-7940
Hu, Jingxin Assistant Professor Accounting and International Business huj@uhd.edu713-221-5839
Hughes, Christina Associate Professor Social Sciences hughesc@uhd.edu713-221-5063
Hudson, Jennifer Adjunct Faculty Urban Education hudsonje@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Khan, Keziah Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain hillk@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Hill, Jillian Associate Professor English hillj@uhd.edu713-226-5575
Higgins, Patrick Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages higginsp@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Hobson, Marvin Adjunct Faculty English hobsonm@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Hoang, Toni Associate Professor Arts and Communication hoangt@uhd.edu713-222-5373
Hilman, Glenn Lecturer Accounting and International Business hilmang@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Jackson, Jeffrey Professor History, Humanities and Languages jacksonjef@uhd.edu713-221-2793
Jackson, Chuck Professor English jacksonchar@uhd.edu713-221-8615
Izadi, Azadeh Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology izadia@uhd.edu713-223-7982
Jacobson, Malcolm Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Jackson, Thomas Senior Lecturer Accounting and International Business jacksonth@uhd.edu713-221-5822
Jackson, Larisa Senior Lecturer Arts and Communication jacksonla@uhd.edu713-226-5542
Hussein, Abdelnasser Assistant Professor Urban Education husseina@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Hurley, Pamela Associate Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management hurleyp@uhd.edu713-223-7959
Hung, Yu-Han Associate Professor Urban Education hungy@uhd.edu713-221-5878
Idowu, Ayorinde Lecturer Natural Sciences idowua@uhd.edu713-226-5230
Idlebird, Joe Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics idlebirdj@uhd.edu713-221-8012
Hu, Xinxin Associate Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain hux@uhd.edu713-221-8964
Harris, Judith Associate Professor Criminal Justice harrisjud@uhd.edu713-221-8274
Harris, Felicia Associate Professor Arts and Communication harrisf@uhd.edu713-221-2790
Harris, Cyril Senior Lecturer Computer Science and Engineering Technology harriscy@uhd.edu713-221-8418
Heath, Amanda Lake Assistant Professor Mathematics and Statistics heatha@uhd.edu713-221-5835
Hatfield, Elizabeth Associate Professor Arts and Communication hatfielde@uhd.edu713-226-5515
Hasan, Mahmud Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology hasanm@uhd.edu713-221-8016
Hallaway, Joyce Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics hallawayjo@uhd.edu713-221-8070
Hairell, Raymie Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice
Hagen, L Kirk Professor History, Humanities and Languages hagenk@uhd.edu713-221-8116
Harjai, Prashant Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences harjaip@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Haltom, Trenton Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences
Halterman, Steve Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management haltermans@uhd.edu713-221-8112
Hewitt, Amelia Associate Professor Urban Education hewitta@uhd.edu713-221-8245
Hernandez, Patricia Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication hernandezp@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Hernandez, Eric Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences hernandezeri@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Hiebeler, Diana Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences hiebelerd@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Heydari, Fariborz Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics heydarif@uhd.edu713-221-8012
Hewitt, Haley Adjunct Faculty Urban Education hewitth@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Henceroth, Mallori Lecturer Social Sciences hencerothm@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Hemanes, Danyette Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain hemanesd@uhd.edu713-221-8112
Heinrich, Sarah Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences
Henson, Billy Associate Professor Criminal Justice hensonb@uhd.edu713-221-8603
Henney, Susan Professor Social Sciences henneys@uhd.edu713-221-8163
Henderson, John Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology hendersonj@uhd.edu713-221-8441
Kang, Yuan Yuan Associate Professor Natural Sciences kangy@uhd.edu713-222-5378
Kamto, Joseph Lecturer Computer Science and Engineering Technology kamtoj@uhd.edu713-221-8089
Kaftan, Joanna Professor Social Sciences kaftanj@uhd.edu713-221-8299
Kennedy, Amanda Lecturer Arts and Communication kennedya@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Keedy, Elias Adjunct Faculty Management
Katz, Barry Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences katzb@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Jones, Jai Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences jonesmi@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Jones, Kevin Associate Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management joneske@uhd.edu713-221-8629
Daigle, Jamie Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain jonesjam@uhd.edu713-221-8112
Jose, Robin Associate Professor Natural Sciences joser@uhd.edu713-221-8115
Jose, Charlet Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences josec@uhd.edu713-221-8544
Jones-Thomas, Anissa Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Kintzele, Paul Professor English
King, J Patrick Clinical Faculty Mathematics and Statistics kingj@uhd.edu713-221-8968
Kincade, Brooke Adjunct Faculty Applied Administration
Klementich, Robert Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice klementichr@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Klein, Timothy Associate Professor Arts and Communication kleint@uhd.edu713-226-5597
Kirkconnell, Honie Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management kirkconnellh@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Khaleghian, Farzin Adjunct Faculty Management khaleghianf@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Kessler, Robin Senior Lecturer General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain kesslerr@uhd.edu713-223-7963
Keown, Emily Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication keowne@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Kim, Jinho Assistant Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management kimj@uhd.edu713-226-5258
Khan, Zubeida Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences khanz@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Khalil, Amal Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences khalila@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Jennings, Lisa Assistant Professor English jenningsli@uhd.edu713-226-5256
Jegdic, Katarina Professor Mathematics and Statistics jegdick@uhd.edu713-221-8631
Jeffery, Tonya Assistant Professor Urban Education jefferyt@uhd.edu713-222-5364
Joachim, Doug Adjunct Faculty English joachimw@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Jimenez-Pabon, Fernell Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages jimenezpabonf@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Jiang, Mian Associate Professor Natural Sciences jiangm@uhd.edu713-221-8954
James, Carol Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Jager, Katharine Professor English jagerk@uhd.edu713-221-5347
Jafari, Tahereh T Senior Lecturer Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management jafarit@uhd.edu713-221-8915
Jayasankar, Priya Senior Lecturer General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain jayasankarsr@uhd.edu713-221-5818
Javidinejad, Mehdi Adjunct Faculty Management javidinejadm@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Javed, Adnan Lecturer Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management javeda@uhd.edu713-221-5813
Johnson, Ruth Associate Professor Social Sciences johnsonru@uhd.edu713-223-7937
Johnson, Rebecca Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences
Johnson, Leslie Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication johnsonle@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Jones, Courtney Adjunct Faculty Urban Education jonesco@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Jolivette, Tamara Adjunct Faculty Management jolivettesmitht@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Johnson, Sandi Adjunct Faculty English johnsonsa@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Johnson, Jerry Professor Natural Sciences johnsonj@uhd.edu713-221-2720
Johnson, Brianna Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain johnsonbria@uhd.edu713-221-8017
John, Benny Senior Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics johnb@uhd.edu713-221-8084
Johnson, Kevin Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages johnsonkev@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Johnson, Kenya Assistant Professor Social Work johnsonkeny@uhd.edu713-226-5296
Johnson, Kenneth Associate Professor Natural Sciences johnsonk@uhd.edu713-222-5375
Haeusser, Daniel Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences
Esmaeiliyan, Mehdi Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences
Epstein, David Associate Professor Management epsteind@uhd.edu713-223-7956
Engerrand, Anne Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication engerranda@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Farris, Sara Special Faculty English farriss@uhd.edu713-221-8415
Farris, Kaiya Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences farrisk@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Farris-Clayton, Cheryl Adjunct Faculty English farrisclaytonc@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Elsayegh, Nisreen Lecturer Social Sciences elsayeghn@uhd.edu713-222-5356
Ellwanger, Adam Professor English ellwangera@uhd.edu713-226-5577
Ellison, Jessica Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication
Endress, Mary Adjunct Faculty Urban Education endressm@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Emeka, Traqina Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice emekat@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Emeka, F. Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences emekaf@uhd.edu713-221-8029
Fonge, Michael Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences fongem@uhd.edu713-221-8497
Fomukong, Joe Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management fomukongj@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Fly, Jane Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain flyj@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Foster, Anthony Assistant Professor Social Sciences fostera@uhd.edu713-222-5383
Fortunato, Paul Associate Professor English fortunatop@uhd.edu713-221-8132
Ford, Tamara Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain fordt@uhd.edu713-221-5729
Feng, Weining Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology fengw@uhd.edu713-221-8591
Feliciano, Olga Senior Lecturer English felicianoo@uhd.edu713-221-8142
Fedell, Luke Senior Lecturer Arts and Communication fedelllu@uhd.edu713-221-5035
Flowers, Selena Adjunct Faculty English flowerss@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Flores, Bill Professor Social Sciences floresbill@uhd.edu713-221-8939
Finch, Charlie Lecturer Social Sciences finchc@uhd.edu713-221-5091
Douglas, Jamal Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics douglasj@uhd.edu713-221-8012
Donoso, Rafael Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management donosoo@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Donoghue, Kellie Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences donoghuek@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Dudley, Dixie Adjunct Faculty Urban Education dudleyd@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Dozier, John Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics dozierj@uhd.edu713-221-8012
Dowie, Cheryl Assistant Professor Management dowiec@uhd.edu713-226-5553
Dimmick, Michael Associate Professor English dimmickm@uhd.edu713-221-8663
Dillard, John Associate Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain dillardj@uhd.edu713-223-7983
Dickson, Angela Adjunct Faculty Management dicksona@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Dolan, Cody Adjunct Faculty English dolanc@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Dixit, Kartik Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management
Dixit, Bhagyashree Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences dixitb@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Elatassi, Alicia Adjunct Faculty Urban Education elatassial@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Ejiobi, Jude Lecturer Management ejiobij@uhd.edu713-226-5259
Edwards, Lisa Adjunct Faculty Urban Education edwardsl@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Elking, Isaac Associate Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain elkingi@uhd.edu713-221-5825
Elkholy, Sharin Associate Professor History, Humanities and Languages elkholys@uhd.edu713-221-8668
Eliassen, Arthur Associate Professor Social Sciences eliassena@uhd.edu713-221-2763
Duncan, Mike Professor English duncanm@uhd.edu713-226-5576
Duman, Ali Assistant Professor Mathematics and Statistics dumana@uhd.edu713-221-5877
Dudley, William Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain dudleyw@uhd.edu713-222-5368
Eaden, Shanta Adjunct Faculty Management
Dyles, Nicole Adjunct Faculty English
Durham, Toi Clinical Faculty Nursing durhamt@uhd.edu713-221-2731
Goodson, Paula Adjunct Faculty Urban Education goodsonp@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Gonzales, Henry Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice gonzalesh@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Gong, Wenlong Assistant Professor Mathematics and Statistics gongw@uhd.edu713-221-5877
Graham, Martel Adjunct Faculty Urban Education grahamm@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Gracia, Leira Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Goodwin, Latrisha Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management goodwinl@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Glover, Jamila Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain gloverj@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Gilmore, Elizabeth Assistant Professor Criminal Justice gilmoree@uhd.edu713-221-2757
Gillette, Aaron Associate Professor History, Humanities and Languages gillettea@uhd.edu713-222-5381
Goltz, Heather Professor Social Work goltzh@uhd.edu713-221-8602
Goldberg, Ruth Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences goldbergr@uhd.edu713-221-2774
Goins, Angela Assistant Professor Social Work goinsa@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Gupta, Omprakash Professor Management guptao@uhd.edu713-222-5343
Guillory, Andrea Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Guillen Rondon, Pablo Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology guillenrondonp@uhd.edu713-221-8441
Hackner, Charles Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management hacknerc@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Hackett, Justin Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences hackettj@uhd.edu713-221-8994
Gurley, Dayna Adjunct Faculty Social Work gurleyd@uhd.edu713-222-5333
Greene, Larry Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences greenel@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Grau, Marina Adjunct Faculty Accounting and International Business graum@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Gramajo, Iride Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics gramajoi@uhd.edu713-221-8012
Groth, Janine Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Grimm, Henry Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics grimmh@uhd.edu713-221-8012
Greene, Brian Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences greenes@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Gabriel, Lula Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages gabriell@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Fulbright, Paul Assistant Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain fulbrightp@uhd.edu713-221-8124
Friday-Black, Athena Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain fridayblacka@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Gamez, Jose Adjunct Faculty Mathematics and Statistics
Gallardo, Rachel Adjunct Faculty Management
Gad, Sangeeta Senior Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics gads@uhd.edu713-221-8432
Fowler, Shannon Associate Professor Criminal Justice fowlers@uhd.edu713-223-7996
Foust, Henry Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering Technology fousth@uhd.edu713-221-5798
Foster, Larry Clinical Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
French, Charles Senior Lecturer Arts and Communication frenchc@uhd.edu713-222-5336
Freer-Alvarez, Trudy Adjunct Faculty Urban Education freert@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Frand, Clifford Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Gascoigne, Carolyn Professor History, Humanities and Languages gascoignec@uhd.edu713-222-5372
Garza, Maria Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Garza, Cynthia Adjunct Faculty Management garzacy@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Ge, Song Associate Professor Nursing ges@uhd.edu713-221-5746
Genanaw, Mesfin Adjunct Faculty Accounting and International Business genanawm@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Gehring, Krista Professor Criminal Justice gehringk@uhd.edu713-221-8483
Garcia, Eva Adjunct Faculty Urban Education garciae@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Gan, Ivan Associate Professor Arts and Communication gani@uhd.edu713-221-8587
Gandy, Kellen Assistant Professor Social Sciences gandyk@uhd.edu713-221-5018
Garza, Cesar Associate Professor Mathematics and Statistics garzace@uhd.edu713-221-5568
Garza, Alondra Assistant Professor Criminal Justice garzaal@uhd.edu713-221-5786
Garcia, Hector Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice garciah@uhd.edu713-221-5541