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Dr. Ronald Beebe

Dr. Ronald Beebe

Dr. Ronald Beebe

ProfessorUrban Education


Curriculum Vitae

Ronald S. Beebe is a Professor of Educational Research at the University of Houston-Downtown. He teaches courses on educational research, classroom-based research, assessment and evaluation, culture of the urban school, and statistics. His current research focuses on the impact of classroom-based research on teacher and student outcomes, as well as issues of equity and social justice. He has been awarded grants for work in student success, minority teacher recruitment, faculty professional development, and program evaluation. Additionally, his collaborative research includes investigating vocational outcomes, psychological practice, and online learning and assessment, with publications addressing career and vocational outcomes, professional development school practice, social justice, and online assessment.

His current research focuses on the impact of classroom-based research on teacher and student outcomes, as well as issues of equity and social justice. He has been awarded grants for work in student success, minority teacher recruitment, faculty professional development, and program evaluation. Additionally, his collaborative research includes investigating vocational outcomes, psychological practice, and online learning and assessment, with publications addressing career and vocational outcomes, professional development school practice, social justice, and online assessment.

Degrees Earned

Duke University BA Religion, BS Chemistry 1980

Princeton Theological Seminary M.Div 1983

State University of New York at Buffalo Ph.D., Counselor Education 2004

Courses Taught

MAT 5320 Introduction to Educational Statistics
MAT 5399 Directed Study in Urban Teaching
MAT 6311 Advanced Study of Child Development and Diversity
MAT 6317 Classroom-Based Research
MAT 6380 Practicum for Urban Teachers
MAT 6390 Directed Study in Urban Teaching
PSY 4320 Psychology of Religion
SOSE 3306 Culture of the Urban School
SOSE 3320 Assessment and Evaluation of Children

Experience Qualifications


Beebe, R.S., Chen, I., & Nath, J.L. (2015). Employing technology to facilitate assessment of student learning. In J. Nath & I. Chen (Eds.) Technology in the classroom: For now and the future. Kendall Hunt

Zenkov, K. Corrigan, D., Beebe, R.S., & Sell, C. (Eds.). (2013). Professional Development Schools and social Justice: Schools and universities partnering to make a difference. Lexington Books

Beebe, R. S., & Corrigan, D. G. (2013). University-based collaborative pre-service-mentor teacher teams: A model for classroom-based inquiry, Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research, 15(1), Special Issue on Teacher Research and Preservice Teachers.

Beebe, R. S., Boboc, M., & Vonderwell, S. (2010). Emerging patterns in transferring assessment practices from f2f to online environments. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 8(1), 1-12.

Beebe, R. S., & Frisch, N. (2009). Development of the Differentiation of Self and Role Inventory for Nurses (DSRI - RN): Report of a pilot study, Nursing Outlook, 57, 240-245.

Pabian, Y., Welfel, E. R., & Beebe, R. S. (2009). Psychologists' knowledge of their states' laws pertaining to Tarasoff-types situations, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40, 8-14.
Beebe, R. S. (2007). Predicting burnout, conflict management style and turnover
among clergy. Journal of Career Assessment, 15, 257-275.

More Information

2011 National Association of Professional Development Schools Award for Exemplary Professional Development School Achievement

2010 Claudia A. Balach Teacher Research Award - Professional Development School Research Special Interest Group (SIG 079) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)

2008 Counselor Education Ph.D. Program Alumni Spotlight, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Graduate School of Education

2007 College of Education and Human Services Technology Award, Cleveland State University

2003 Excellence in Teaching Award for Graduate Students - Honorable Mention Graduate School, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York

2001 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges Graduate School, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York