UHD's Social Media Summit Engages, Delights Participants
Let's be honest: Social media management is not for the faint of heart. Gone are the
"old" days when Myspace reigned supreme, and "likes" were the only metric that mattered. Fast forward to 2024, and
things look a little different in the world of social media.
Whether it is creating engaging and aesthetically pleasing content or digging deep into social media analytics to inform your next decision, managing one or more social media channels can be a bit...overwhelming.
Thankfully, there are industry experts who are more than happy to share their sage advice. On July 25, those experts convened at UHD's Higher Education Social Media Summit.
If you weren't fortunate enough to attend the event, we'll give you a review of the big day. Opening the all-day conference, keynote speaker and owner of PR agency Zoetica, Kami Huyse, educated the audience on artificial intelligence and social media in a presentation titled, "Unlock the Power of Human-Centric AI." From streamlining processes to content creation, Huyse explained how AI and social media can work hand in hand.
"I've been doing social media management for 15 years," said Huyse. "Here's the thing: no matter how much you think you know...you don't know it all. You need to be at things like this, at this summit, to learn what you don't know."
After Huyse's riveting presentation, participants had their pick of interactive breakout-sessions with topics ranging from "Building Your Brand" to "How to Build Your Own Algorithm."
One of the many benefits of the conference? Guests had the opportunity to interact directly with industry experts, ask questions, and learn best practices from peers in higher education.
As perplexing as social media management may seem, especially with the ever-evolving shift in algorithms and revolving door of trends, UHD's Social Media Summit provided practical and useful tools for everyone from novice to seasoned pro.
Photo Credit: Zakiya Gradney, Trendy Sales Guru