Texas researchers, policymakers, and business leaders released the Texas Metropolitan Blueprint in early January. This five-year policy agenda focuses on growth and prosperity for the state’s 26 metropolitan areas, which are home to 90% of all Texans. Now the Texas Tribune comes to UHD on March 5 for a daylong symposium celebrating what makes Texas cities special and delving into the policies the 2025 Texas Legislature can enact to help cities succeed over the next five years and beyond.  

The Texas Tribune will lead conversations on the big issues cities face—including housing affordability, transportation and mobility, economic development, public safety, and ensuring a reliable water supply—and explore how local leaders can partner with community stakeholders to shape their cities’ future.  

Doors open at UHD’s A300 Special Events Center at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, March 5, and the event concludes at 4 p.m. Breakfast and lunch are provided. Meal options will be available for those observing the Lenten season. Visit A Blueprint for Texas Cities web page for much more information.