It’s tax season again, and the University of Houston-Downtown’s annual Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (UHD VITA) program is underway. UHD students and employees (and their friends and family, too) are encouraged to take advantage of this FREE service. 

UHD VITA provides free income tax preparation with electronic filing to individuals who need assistance in preparing their federal income tax returns, namely: 

  • Individuals with $76,000 or less of annual earnings for year 2024 tax filing season. 
  • College students. 
  • International individuals. 
  • Older adults (no income limit).  
  • Individuals with disabilities.  

UHD VITA is offered both in-person in Room 226 in the Shea Street Building (Marilyn Davies College of Business building), 320 N Main St., and virtually via Zoom, based on a "drop-in" system. The schedule is: 

  • Mondays: 4-7 p.m., virtual only 
  • Tuesdays: 8-12 Noon,  in-person only 
  • Saturdays: 8 a.m.-2 p.m., virtual and in-person. 

The UHD VITA program is supervised by UHD VITA Committee Chair Arpita Shroff, Ph.D.; Dr. Hanife Topal; and several dedicated student volunteers. All UHD VITA student volunteers and interns undergo IRS advance training and certification in order to participate in the UHD VITA program.  

The program showcases UHD’s Marilyn Davies College of Business, home to one of the largest MBA programs in the region. called UHD a “notable institution providing high-quality online MBA programs. … UHD ensures that its graduates are well-prepared to succeed in their chosen career paths.”