This message is sent from the Office of the Provost to all Faculty.

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Dear UHD Faculty,

I want to extend my appreciation to all those who attended the Faculty Retreat on Wednesday. During the roundtables, I was pleased to see so many of you engaged in conversations about the Strategic Plan. Additionally, I have heard from several of the roundtable presenters how much they enjoyed the discussions and appreciated the feedback and ideas that you shared. As the semester continues, we will provide many more opportunities for faculty to engage with the Strategic Plan strategy leaders to provide feedback and to hear updates. As a reminder, please visit the Strategic Plan Dashboard Website to monitor progress on the goals.

Our SACSCOC reaffirmation is on the horizon, as well. I hope that you will accept Dr. Bhati's invitation to join reaffirmation working groups, submit a topic proposal to the QEP committee, and attend planning meetings. Faculty input is crucial if we are to be successful in our application for reaccreditation. We are updating our SACSCOC Reaffirmation Website regularly to include current information on committee members, meeting dates, meeting agendas, and minutes.

Finally, you heard about the plans for the UHD 50th Anniversary celebration. I encourage you to visit the website for the 50th anniversary and to attend as many of the fun and exciting events planned. The 50th Anniversary Kickoff is on Thursday, January 18th at noon in the Auditorium. I look forward to seeing you there!

As a reminder, we will be updating the Faculty Retreat Website with the videos from the day including the book club discussion led by Dr. Robert Talbert on his book Grading for Growth. We will also post all PowerPoint presentations shared along with any handouts.

In the upcoming days, look for emails from our office regarding important start-of-the-semester items such as Welcome Week Activities, Roster Certification, and Early Alert.

Finally, UHD is monitoring the upcoming weather conditions and will communicate appropriately. Please make sure you are properly set up to receive notifications and alerts.

I hope you have a successful and productive spring 2024!


Deborah E. Bordelon

Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost