This message is sent from the Office of the Provost to faculty teaching
ENG1301, ENG1302, HIST1305,HIST1306, POLS2306, POLS2305, PSY1303, PHIL1301, ART1310, UHD130X,
UHD 230X, COMM1304, MATH1301, MATH 1310, MATH1324, MATH1505, STAT2305.

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Good morning, Faculty,

We will shortly start the Spring 2025 Academic Success Progress Report campaign, or Early Alert, for all students who started at UHD this year.

Thank you for participating in this collective effort to facilitate the success of our first-year students as we support them in their initial steps toward their graduation from UHD.

The purpose of Early Alert is a progress check and an opportunity for you to identify students who are at risk in your course. After you submit the reports, there is an entire team of dedicated UHD Staff whose top priority is contacting your students. The Early Alert process combines student support from faculty, Advising Centers, and Student Success and Student Life. During that contact, staff urge students to access all the academic and personal supports UHD has to offer. Through this coordinated effort, we encourage our students to take the steps necessary for academic success. Moreover, when each case is closed, you will receive a message with the outcome of the case as well as any specific notes for each of your reported students.

The process is open Friday, February 21 through Wednesday, March 5. We ask you to submit reports as soon as possible. You will receive an email (from Mik Yegiyan) with instructions and the link to the campaign via the EAB Navigate platform—the process is easy with a single entry point for all relevant students from your courses.

Please watch for the email from Mik Yegiyan and don’t hesitate to send questions to him about the process.

Thank you,

Office of the Provost