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PS-02.A.22 - Separation Clearance Guidelines

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Effective Date: April 20, 2023

Issue #: 7

President: Dr. Loren J. Blanchard

1. Purpose

This Policy Statement (a) defines an organized method of processing employees leaving the University of Houston-Downtown that complies with State regulations governing property management and (b) tries to prevent the failure of the separating employee to return university property. This process encourages the completion of the documents necessary to facilitate the separating employee's choices regarding benefit matters and allows the University to gain from information acquired from the separating employee during the exit interview. This Policy Statement applies to all employees except temporary and student staff employees.

2. Definitions

2.1 Separation: The voluntary or involuntary separation of an employee with the university.

3. Policy

3.1 It is the policy of the University of Houston-Downtown (UHD) to provide separation and clearance procedures for all separating employees to facilitate appropriate personnel records documentation, assure exit counseling regarding the details of the separation process, provide benefits counseling, and to guarantee the collection of all university property.

4. Procedures

4.1 The University of Houston-Downtown (UHD) encourages employees to submit a written notice of voluntary resignation or retirement to the immediate supervisor at least two weeks prior to the effective date of separation, stating the reason(s) for the resignation. A copy of the original notice of resignation or retirement shall be forwarded to Human Resources (HR) for inclusion in the employee's official personnel file.

4.2 The employee must complete the separation clearance process on or before the last day of employment. It is the department's responsibility to initiate the online Separation Clearance Process. Supervisors must ensure separating employees complete the separation clearance process and return all University-owned property.

4.2.1 The employee is responsible for completing the following actions on or before the last day of employment:

a. return all tools, uniforms, equipment, credit cards, manuals, cell phones and other university property in his/her possession

b. return the university employee identification card

c. return all keys/fobs to offices and/or buildings

d. return all library materials to the Library and/or pay any outstanding library fines

e. settle all financial matters and/or indebtedness to the University of Houston System

f. pay any outstanding parking tickets, and return parking access cards

g. complete exit Separation Survey.

4.2.2 Failure to return University property or the removal of University property may be construed as theft and appropriate legal action may be taken if the property cannot be recovered.

4.2.3 In cases where an employee is dismissed involuntarily, HR will oversee the successful completion of the separation clearance process.

4.3 Departments must initiate a terminating Electronic Personnel Action Request (ePAR) form prior to the end of the payroll processing period in accordance with the university payroll calendar. Each ePAR must reflect any vacation leave, accrued but not taken (and eligible sick leave in the event of the employee's death) that is to be paid upon separation and the appropriate reason code. A copy of the employee's resignation letter must be attached to the terminating ePAR. HR will initiate ePARs for retiring employees.

4.4 When appropriate, arrangements may be made for the employee to collect personal belongings under supervision and then to be escorted from the building.

4.5 The Benefits unit will send information pertaining to benefits on or before the employee's last day. Employees may request an appointment with the Benefits unit.

4.6 In the event of an employee's death, procedures in effect at UHD concerning the death of an employee will be followed to process final salary/wage and benefit payments and any claims with the employee's designated beneficiary or the employee's estate. HR is responsible for coordinating these efforts.

4.7 A regular staff employee who is dismissed for cause will be advised of his/her rights to a post-dismissal hearing in accordance with post dismissal procedures as outlined in PS 02.B.03, Discipline and Dismissal of Regular Staff Employees.

4.8 Nothing in this policy shall be used to permit discrimination or retaliation against any individual or group on the basis of age, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, sex (including pregnancy), disability, or veteran status.

5. Review Process

Responsible Party (Reviewer): Vice President for Human Resources

Review: Every three years on or before February 1st.

Signed original on file in Human Resources.

6. Policy History

Issue #1: 09/15/03

Issue #2: 11/05/10

Issue #3: 02/17/11

Issue #4: 03/10/15

Issue #5: 08/20/18

Issue #6: 12/20/19

7. References

Separation Clearance Process

Separation Survey

PS 02.B.03

SAM 02.A.25