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PS-04.A.03 - Student Organizations and Activities on Campus

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EFFECTIVE DATE: November 03, 1999

ISSUE #: 5

PRESIDENT:  Max Castillo


This PS sets forth policies and procedures for establishing and maintaining student clubs and organizations on campus and furnishes guidelines for operation of on-campus student activities at the University of Houston-Downtown (UHD).


2.1 Student Organization Registration Procedures 

2.1.1 The Office of Student Activities coordinates the process by which student organizations are registered at UHD. Registration information and applications are maintained at the Office of Student Activities. 

2.1.2 A minimum of eight students who desire membership is required before a student organization can register. 

2.1.3 To register, a group must submit an organization registration application, with a constitution or a statement of purpose consistent with the aims of the University, the criteria for membership, and the names, student ID numbers, addresses, and phone numbers of its officers and members. 

2.1.4 Organizations are required to have a UHD faculty/staff advisor(s). In case a potential faculty/staff advisor is unknown to the organization, the Director of Student Activities assists in identifying one. The name(s) and office number (s) of an organization’s advisor(s) are submitted with the application. 

2.1.5 New organizations are required to submit a proposed constitution to the Director of Student Activities within sixty days of completing the registration process. During the sixty day period an organization's registration is "conditional" pending receipt of the constitution. An organization may be asked to resubmit a proposed constitution with changes suggested by the director. 

2.1.6 The Director of Student Activities confirms or denies registration within thirty days of receiving completed registration documents. Copies of the approved application are kept by the organization and the Office of Student Activities to verify official registration. 

2.1.7 Should the Director of Student Activities determine that an organization does not meet the criteria established in this policy for registration, the Dean of Student Affairs is notified of the reason(s) for the denial. A written copy of the decision is furnished to the organization involved. Appeal of the decision may be submitted to the Dean of Student Affairs. 

2.2 Members and Officers of Registered Organizations 

2.2.1 The right of organizations to establish standards for membership is acknowledged, provided that all students are given equal opportunity to meet those standards. Therefore, discrimination on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religious faith, veteran status, disability, or age is prohibited. The prohibition against sex discrimination shall not apply to social fraternities and sororities which are excluded from the application of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. (20 U.S.C. sec 1681 et seq.) 

2.2.2 Membership in registered student groups is restricted to currently enrolled UHD students, faculty, and staff. 

2.2.3 Student organizations are free to set qualifications and procedures for how their organization is structured, including the election of officers and terms of office, with the following restrictions: All officers must maintain a 2.5 cumulative UHD GPA and be active members of the organization. All general members must maintain a 2.0 cumulative UHD GPA. Hazing--endangering the physical or mental health or safety of a student--is prohibited. 

2.3 Renewal of Registered Status 

2.3.1 Student organizations seeking renewal must attend the first Council of Organizations meeting of the academic year. They must submit a new registration application and a current list of names, student ID numbers, addresses and phone numbers of officers, and the name(s) and office number(s) of faculty/staff advisor(s). An updated constitution is submitted if applicable. 

2.3.2 The Director of Student Activities maintains a current list of registered organizations. 

2.4 Maintenance of Registered Status 

2.4.1 Attendance at all Council of Organizations meetings is mandatory. An organization must designate at least one (1) member to serve as the official representative to the Council of Organizations. Failure to attend all Council of Organizations meetings will result in the organization being placed on probation by the Office of Student Activities. Probation guidelines are maintained at the Office of Student Activities. 

2.4.2 Organizations must notify the Office of Student Activities of any programs, and fundraisers at least two (2) weeks prior to each event. 

2.4.3 An organization must submit an updated constitution every three (3) years to the Office of Student Activities. 

2.4.4 At any time, any UHD student, faculty, staff member, or administrator who believes that a registered organization has acted in a manner inconsistent with the group's constitution or with the aims of the university or its existing policies may request an inquiry into the alleged violation by the Judicial Review Board of the Council of Organizations. The Council of Organizations will establish a process to consider the alleged violation in a reasonable period of time. 

2.4.5 Decisions resulting from the inquiry may be appealed to the Director of Student Activities. All appeals must be submitted in writing. 

2.4.6 Organizations found in violation of University policy may lose their registered status. 

2.5 Fundraising Guidelines for Student Organizations

2.5.1 Only registered student organizations are eligible to hold fund-raising activities on campus, including the collection of dues. 

2.5.2 Student organizations may maintain a "private account" with a local bank or the University for the deposit and withdrawal of funds realized through fundraising, dues, and contributions. The University will not be held responsible for the funds maintained in a private account with a local bank. 

2.5.3 Before a student organization conducts an oncampus fund-raising event, it submits a request form for approval by the Director of Student Activities. 

2.5.4 Fundraising activities are restricted to the time, place, and manner approved. Personal solicitation of individuals is prohibited. 

2.5.5 All money realized during fund-raising activities must be deposited to the organization's account. Reimbursement of expenses to individuals must be made from the account after submission of proper receipts. 

2.5.6 State law allows registered student organizations an opportunity to conduct two raffles or lotteries as fundraising events during a calendar year. 

2.5.7 Failure of a student organization to comply with any of the procedures outlined in 2.5 may result in the denial of permission for fund-raising activities. 

2.6 Organization Funding and Allocations 

2.6.1 The Council Finance Committee is charged with the responsibility for reasonable and equitable allocation of funds to all registered student organizations that do not have dedicated student service fee budgets. 

2.6.2 All student organizations must follow the funding policies and procedures set by the Council of Organizations. 

2.7 Expression of Opinion and Off-Campus Speakers 

2.7.1 Members of student organizations are free to discuss questions of interest to them and to express opinions publicly. Members of student organizations may not, however, state or imply that they are speaking for UHD. If a student organization is contacted by the media they are to be referred to the Office of Communications and Marketing. 

2.7.2 Members of student organizations may support causes in which they are interested by orderly means which do not disrupt the regular and normal operations of the University and which comply with university policy. 

2.7.3 The UHD President or designee may cancel an invitation to an off-campus lecturer or performer if he feels that the proposed event or speech constitutes a clear and present danger to the University and/or is not consistent with the aims and mission of the University.  


Responsible Party (Reviewer): Dean of Student Affairs

Review: As needed


Issue #1: 04/07/83 

Issue #2: 05/22/85 

Issue #3: 04/02/86 

Issue #4: 10/09/89