UHD / Academic Affairs / Marilyn Davies College of Business / Accounting and International Business / Accounting and International Business Faculty
Accounting and International Business Faculty
Dr. Raghunathan Venugopalan Department Chair Associate Professor |
B410G | 713-221-5716 venugopalanr@uhd.edu |
Vacant Associate Professor |
Aalaina Newman Administrative Assistant II |
B410F | 713-221-8903 newmana@uhd.edu |
Mr. Luis Cedeno Senior Lecturer |
B310B | 713-221-8135 cedenol@uhd.edu |
Mr. Glenn Hilman Lecturer |
B310N | 713-221-8017 hilmang@uhd.edu |
Mr. Don Holmes Senior Lecturer |
B310H | 713-223-7940 holmesd@uhd.edu |
Dr. Jingxin Hu Assistant Professor |
B493 | 713-221-5839 huj@uhd.edu |
Mr. Thomas Jackson Senior Lecturer |
B310E | 713-221-5822 jacksonth@uhd.edu |
Dr. Cathy Zishang Liu Professor Director, Master of Professional Accountancy Program |
B438 | 713-221-8599 liuz@uhd.edu |
Dr. Stephen Miller Lecturer |
B310M | 713-221-8235 millerst@uhd.edu |
Dr. Amirali Moeini Assistant Professor |
B490 | 713-221-8571 moeinichaghervanda@uhd.edu |
Dr. Diana Pence Associate Professor |
B439 | 713-221-8456 penced@uhd.edu |
Ms. Dorothy Richards Lecturer |
B310F | 713-223-7958 richardsd@uhd.edu |
Dr. Arpita Shroff Associate Professor |
B422 | 713-221-8609 shroffa@uhd.edu |
Dr. Hanife Ann Topal Lecturer |
B310L | 713-226-5226 topalh@uhd.edu |
Dr. Darshan Wadhwa Professor |
B481 | 713-221-8157 wadhwad@uhd.edu |
Dr. Yiding Wang Assistant Professor |
B441 | 713-221-5036 wangyi@uhd.edu |
Dr. Marvin Williams Professor |
B492 | 713-221-8918 williamsm@uhd.edu |
Dr. Zhimin Yu Assistant Professor |
B466 | 713-221-8267 yuz@uhd.edu |
Dr. Lanyi Zhang Assistant Professor |
B419 | 713-221-5062 zhangy@uhd.edu |