AMA UHD Attends the 2022 AMA ICC
Marilyn Davies College of Business students attended and competed in the 2022 AMA International Collegiate Conference in Chicago, Illinois.
Every Spring semester the various American Marketing Association collegiate chapters meet at the AMA International Collegiate Conference (AMA ICC) in New Orleans, Louisiana. This week-long event gives its members the opportunity to attend professional workshops, enter competitive marketing competitions hosted by nationally acclaimed companies, and meet other members from around the nation.
After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the AMA ICC resumed its in-person conference
in Chicago, Illinois. The conference included two keynote speakers: Roy Broderick,
Jr., President & CEO of Authentique, and Carly Zipp, Head of Global B2B Marketing
at TikTok.
AMA UHD attended various competitions, including the Marketing Strategy Competition, Perfect Pitch, and the Marketplace Marketing Simulations. Alejandra Perez was announced as a finalist in the Competitions Ceremony, where colleges from more than 30+ states competed.
The new AMA UHD Presidents for the Fall semester were announced during the AMA ICC. Jordan Salinas, current Vice President of Membership & Communications, will be the new AMA UHD President starting this fall. Alejandra Perez, current Vice President of Public Relations, will be the Executive Vice President starting this fall.
AMA UHD is a student-run organization at the University of Houston-Downtown. Their current vision is to build the strongest network of students dedicated to a growth-inspired lifestyle. They strengthen members' marketing knowledge and practical experience by exposing students to real-world marketing through professional development events and social networking activities. To learn more about AMA UHD, visit them at