UHD / Academic Affairs / Marilyn Davies College of Business / eNews / MBASA-Student-Association-Relaunch
The University of Houston-Downtown, Marilyn Davies College of Business is proud to
announce the re-launch of the MBA Student Association. The mission of MBA Student
Association is to address the professional needs of its members while building a network
of competitive leaders that will shape the future of business with a commitment to
inspire the same in their successors.

The three pillars of the organization are: Networking, Professional Development, and
Community Service. A special committee has also been developed to focus on alumni
engagement. The MBA Student Association will have recurring General Body meetings
on the 2nd Wednesday or Thursday of the month.
If you are an MBA student looking to get involved, please send an email of interest
to: mba@uhd.edu.
To stay connected to upcoming events, please follow the MBA Student Association through
their Social Media page.