MDCOB Kicks Off Inaugural Black History Month Event
The Marilyn Davies College of Business kicked off its Inaugural Black History Month
Celebration in collaboration with NABA Inc., UHD NABA Inc., The Black Student Association
(BSA), and Crowe LLP.
The MDCOB Inaugural Black History Month Celebration featured a formal reception and presentation with speakers including a representative from Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and the 18th District House of Representative, Deputy Edward Goodwin. Also in attendance was Texas House of Representative Rep. Christina Morale NABA Inc. National Chairman, Herschel Frierson who encouraged MDCOB students to aim and push higher in career pursuits. Our Black History Month Celebration also featured delicious food provided by Chef Willie Holmes, lively music and free commemorative t-shirts for students, faculty, and community members.
Black History Month is a time to reflect on the achievements and contributions of Black individuals to our society. While the month is often associated with arts, culture, and activism, it’s a time to also celebrate Black business professionals & entrepreneurs and their powerful impact on the business world. We are proud to highlight our partnership with NABA Inc., a nonprofit membership association representing more than 200,000 Black Business Leaders, NABA advances people, careers, and their mission by providing education, resources, and meaningful career connections to professional and student members.
Black-owned businesses are an important part of the American economy. According to the US Census Bureau, there were over 124,000 Black-owned businesses in the United States in 2018, generating over $160 billion in revenue. Black-owned businesses also play an important role in creating jobs and wealth in Black communities, which can help to combat poverty and inequality. MDCOB is proud to be a champion of these efforts, in February of 2023, UHD Marilyn Davies College of Business became a “Business Champion” Level sponsor with the Greater Houston Black Chamber of Commerce.
We want to wish our MDCOB community a happy Black History Month and reaffirm our commitment to supporting the next generation of UHD MDCOB black business students & professionals. Together, we can empower, lift up and help open more doors of opportunity to create a more equitable and prosperous society for all.
Event Program
- VIP Networking 11am-11:30am
- Formal Presentation 11:30 am-11:50am-NABA Inc, National Chairman, Crowe Partner Herschel Frierson
- Food by Private Chef Willie Holmes, Music, Free Commemorative T-shirts 11:50am-1pm