UHD / Academic Affairs / Marilyn Davies College of Business / Undergraduate Programs and Minors / BAAS in Applied Administration / Applied Public Administration & Leadership / Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

I have completed my AAS Degree from a community college can I still enroll in the
APAL program?
- To be eligible for the APAL program you must meet the following criteria
- Completion of an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree from an institution accredited by a Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board recognized accrediting agency
- A transfer GPA of 2.25 or higher
- Evidence of 3 years' work experience in Public Administration to include a, city, county, or state governmental agency, public school system, university/college or non-profit organization
How long is the APAL program?
- A student that is core complete with an AAS degree, will have 42 hours remaining in the APAL program. A fulltime student should complete the program in 3.5 semesters
How much are classes?
- The tuition rate for the APAL program is $1150 per 8 week session which includes 2 classes and the opportunity to add a 3rd at no additional cost at the discretion of the Program Director.
Is the program available online?
- Yes, the APAL program 100% online.
What financial aid is available to me throughout the APAL program?
- Types of Aid available to students are as follows: Scholarships, Grants, Loans, Work-Study, Hazlewood (Veterans) and Exemptions & Waivers. For more information please visit the Financial Aid webpage.
Are there payment plans available to students in the APAL program?
- Yes, payment plans are available through the Cashier's Office.
Is the course required to be paid in full prior to the start of the classes since
it is only an 8-week course?
- Yes, tuition will be need to be paid in full or a payment plan must be setup prior to the start of classes.
With the courses being 8 weeks, does the next course immediately begin at the end
of each session, or is there a small break in the program?
- Usually classes start the following week
Once you start the program are you required to continue until you have completed the
entire program or do you have the option of "pausing" should the need arise?
- No, students are not required to complete the program through consecutive semesters however it is not recommended as that will affect your graduation date.