CHSS Faculty Publications

Meeting the Needs of Non-Traditional Undergraduate Students
by Stephanie Babb

Rhetoric and the Synoptic Problem
by Mike Duncan

First in the Family:
Biblical Truths for Cycle Breakers
by Felicia Harris

Radical Civility: A Study in
Utopia and Democracy
by Jason Caro

Lara Dopazo Ruibal,
Translated by Laura Cesarco Elgin

Enraged, rattled, and wronged: Entitlement’s response to
social progress
by Kristin J. Anderson

Proud Warriors: African American Combat Units in World War II
by Alexander M. Bielakowski

Critical Race Studies
Across Disciplines
Jonathan Chism, Stacie Craft DeFreitas, Vida Robertson, & David Ryden (Editors and

Bone Skid, Bone Beauty
by Jane Creighton

Animal Welfare in China: Culture, Politics and Crisis
by Peter J. Li

John Locke and the Uncivilized Society: Individualism and Resistance in America Today
by Scott Robinson

Suicide in children and adolescents: New interventions and risk factors
Michelle A. Patriquin & Katrina A. Rufino (Editors)

Postcards in Braille
(Translation of Poems by
Sergio Pérez Torres)
by Stalina Villarreal

An Examination of the Singular in Maimonides and Spinoza
by Norman L. Whitman

Wheels of Change:
Feminist Transgressions in
Polish Culture and Society
Jolanta Wrobel-Best (Editor)