Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society
Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society
What is Phi Alpha Theta?
Phi Alpha Theta, History Honor Society, Inc., is a charter member of the Association
of College Honor Societies (ACHS). It was first established on March 17, 1921 at the
University of Arkansas, Phi Alpha Theta now has over 800 active chapters and 275,000
members, initiates an average 9,000 students each year, hosts 35 regional meetings
nationwide each spring, and awards 25 scholarships and prizes. Publishes a peer-reviewed
journal, The Historian, and updates members of important events and information in
The News Letter.
What is the mission of Phi Alpha Theta?
“We are a professional society whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. We seek to bring students, teachers and writers of history together for intellectual and social exchanges, which promote and assist historical research and publication by our members in a variety of ways.”
What qualification do I need to join?
- At least 3.0 overall GPA
- At least 12 hours in history courses, with a minimum 3.1 GPA in those courses.
- Graduate students must have completed at least 12 semester hours toward their Master's degree in History and have a GPA of better than 3.5.
Do I have to be a History major?
While you don’t have to be history major, you must have at least 12 hours credit in
history courses.
What are the membership fees?
There is a one-time membership fee of $65 payable to UHD. This includes a lifetime
membership in the honor society, a membership certificate, and a one-year subscription
to our journal, The Historian.
Membership Application (pdf)
Faculty Advisors
Dr. Nancy Lopez
Dr. Gene Preuss