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Group od Blue Shirt Volunteers Smiling

Commerce Connects


​​​​ How To Sign-Up​​​


Please contact Steven Villano

 villanos@u​h​ ​


Instagram iconUHD​ComCon on Instagram. Follow us today.​

Meeting Dates ​

- Coming Soon 
All meetings are held in the Commerce St. Building, 2nd Floor offfices across from the elevator. Room C220

So, What is Commerce Connects?

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UHD's Center for Public Service and Community Research has created Commerce Connects, a student led group dedicated to engaging in volunteer opportunities in the areas of Criminal Justice, Social Work and Urban Education. Students who register and receive validation for completing 400 or more hours of community service will receive a special stole to be worn at graduation. 

Click on an opportunity that interests you, 2) Contact the organization and schedule a time to volunteer, 3) Connect with Mr. Villano to let him know of your plans, 4) Complete the Release and Indemnification form and submit to Mr. Villano BEFORE you volunteer.

"Thank you so much for signing up to help us at last weekend’s Fresh Start Resource Fair. Your support was simply invaluable. You helped set up, tear down, kept track of attendance, greeted and checked folks in, manned booths, took photos, surveyed attendees, and provided extensive translation for our Spanish-speaking community members. It’s that support that made this a successful event. We are so appreciative of your willingness to volunteer and come together to help others."

~ Holly


Volunteer Opportunities