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Workshop Presenter

Leveraging Your Emptions to Fuel Drive and Purpose

Dr. Laura Mitchell
Associate Professor | Bilingual Education Teacher| University of Houston-Downtown


Dr. Jake Porter


Laura A. Mitchell is an Associate Professor at the University of Houston/Downtown. She teaches Bilingual Education, Literacy, and Culture. With her experience working in urban schools as a bilingual education teacher, campus coordinator, and an administrator for 25 years, she combines her passions for teaching multilingual students, leading teachers to discovering their own teaching passions, and researching and writing. She has created open and inviting learning environment to dialogue about culture, identity, and beliefs with students as they reflect about their own cultural identity and their commitment in becoming culturally responsive teachers. By utilizing the principles of invitational learning, she creates learning environments that challenge others to explore their cultural identity, beliefs, and assumptions.

We are all storytellers and we all have stories to tell. When we tell our stories, we inform others about who we are (identity) and how we are connected to the world (sociocultural linguistics). We live in a world where we are interconnected with language and literacy in order to know that we are human.