UHD / Academic Affairs / College of Sciences & Technology / Department of Natural Sciences / NS Faculty & Staff
NS Faculty & Staff
BIOLOGY FACULTY | Office Number | Office Telephone/email | ||
Jon Aoki Associate Professor, Science Education Profile |
STB 426 | 713-221-8488 aokij@uhd.edu |
Amy Baird Professor, Assistant Chair Profile |
STB326 | 713-222-5301 bairda@uhd.edu |
Pauline Blaimont Lecturer |
OMB N614L | 713-222-5350 blaimonp@uhd.eduu |
Vaishali Chaubal Lecturer |
N614F | 713-221-8171 chaubalv@uhd.edu |
Pablo Delclos Assistant Professor Profile |
STB 230 | 713-222-5370 delclosp@uhd.edu |
Jerry Johnson Professor Profile |
OMB N606 | 713-221-2720 johnsonj@uhd.edu |
Yuan Connie Kang Associate Professor Profile |
STB234 | 713-222-5378 kangy@uhd.edu |
Meghan Minard Senior Lecturer Profile |
N614G | 713-226-5225 minardm@uhd.edu |
Lisa Morano Professor, Director of Center for Urban Agriculture and Sustainability Profile | Website |
STB109 | 713-221-2782 moranol@uhd.edu |
Kattia Palacio-Lopez Assistant Professor Profile |
STB 228 |
713-221-8410 |
Xyanthine Parillon Lecturer |
OMB N608 | 713-221-5310 parillonx@uhd.edu |
Mary Jo Parker Executive Director, Scholars Academy Profile |
OMB N813 | 713-221-8471 parkerm@uhd.edu |
Mesias Pedroza Lecturer |
OMB N614C | 713-226-5237 pedrozam@uhd.edu |
Elda Rueda |
STB 336 | 713-221-8140 ruedae@uhd.edu |
Rachna Sadana Professor, Department Chair Profile |
STB426 | 713-226-5562 sadanar@uhd.edu |
Sanghamitra Saha Senior Lecturer Profile |
N614D | 713-222-5357 sahas@uhd.edu |
Michael Tobin Professor Profile | Website |
STB236 | 713-221-8426 tobinm@uhd.edu |
J. Akif Uzman Professor, Dean Profile |
STB426 | 713-221-8488 uzmana@uhd.edu |
Adriana Visbal Assistant Professor Profile |
STB330 | 713-221-5007 visbala@uhd.edu |
BIOCHEMISTRY FACULTY | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Jerry Johnson Professor Profile |
OMB N606 | 713-221-2720 johnsonj@uhd.edu |
Rachna Sadana Professor, Department Chair Profile |
STB 426 | 713-226-5562 sadanar@uhd.edu |
J. Akif Uzman Professor, Dean Profile |
STB426 | 713-221-8488 uzmana@uhd.edu |
CHEMISTRY FACULTY | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Maria Benavides Associate Professor, Chemistry Program Coordinator, Assistant Chair Profile |
STB 340 | 713-221-8170 benavidesmar@uhd.edu |
Houston Brown Senior Lecturer Profile |
STB 226 | 713-221-8487 brownhs@uhd.edu |
Bhagyashree Dixit Lecturer Profile |
OMB N614E | 713-221-2735 dixitb@uhd.edu |
Mian Jiang Associate Professor Profile |
STB 334 | 713-221-8954 jiangm@uhd.edu |
Kenneth Johnson Associate Professor, Geosciences Coordinator Profile |
N808 | 713-222-5375 johnsonk@uhd.edu |
Robin Jose Associate Professor, NS Honors Program Coordinator Profile |
STB 338 | 713-221-8115 joser@uhd.edu |
Qiang(Ted) Li Assistant Professor Profile |
STB 232 | 713-221-8227 liq@uhd.edu |
Mesias Pedroza Lecturer Profile |
N614C | 713-226 -5237 pedrozam@uhd.edu |
Vishakha Shembekar |
N614B | 713-223-7970 shembekarv@uhd.edu |
Lydia St Hill |
OMB N615 | 713-221-8140 sthilll@uhd.edu |
Jacob Theruvathu |
STB332 | 713-221-5804 theruvathuj@uhd.edu |
Eszter Trufan Associate Professor Profile |
STB328 | 713-222-5306 trufane@uhd.edu |
MICROBIOLOGY FACULTY | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Maria Gabriela Bowden Associate Professor, Biology Program Coordinator, JAMP Faculty Director, Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC) Profile |
STB 224 | 713-222-5313 bowdenm@uhd.edu |
Poonam (Gulati) Salhorta Associate Professor Profile |
OMB S417D | 713-221-8066 gulatip@uhd.edu |
Lisa Morano Professor, Director of Center for Urban Agriculture and Sustainability Profile |
STB 109 | 713-221-2782 moranol@uhd.edu |
Xyanthine Parillon |
OMB N608 |
713-221-5310 |
GEOLOGY FACULTY | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Aimee Bichler Lecturer Profile |
OMB N842 | 713-221-5052 bichlera@uhd.edu |
Ayorinde Idowu Lecturer Profile |
OMB N820 | 713-226-5230 idowual@uhd.edu |
Kenneth Johnson Associate Professor, Geosciences Coordinator Profile |
OMB N808 | 713-222-5375 johnsonk@uhd.edu |
Qiang Li |
STB 232 |
713-221-8227 |
Donald Musselwhite Senior Lecturer Profile |
OMB N821 | 713-222-5374 musselwhited@uhd.edu |
Yuriy Pinelis |
OMB N819 |
713-221-8513 |
PHYSICS FACULTY | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Maria Benavides Associate Professor, Chemistry Program Coordinator, Assistant Chair Profile |
STB 340 | 713-221-8170 benavidesmar@uhd.edu |
Donald Musselwhite Lecturer Profile |
OMB N821 | 713-222-5374 musselwhited@uhd.edu |
Yuriy Pinelis Lecturer |
OMB N819 | 713-221-8513 pinelisy@uhd.edu |
Heather Sartain |
OMB N843 |
713-221-8140 |
Isabela Vrinceanu Lecturer |
OMB N615 |
713-221-8140 |
Ataollah Zamani |
OMB S705 |
713-221-8140 |
NURSING PROGRAM FACULTY | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Tonye Cox-Miller |
OMB N841 |
713-221-5731 |
Toi Durham Director of in Nursing Profile |
OMB N811 | 713-221-2731 dunel@uhd.edu |
Song Ge |
OMB N810 | 713-221-5746 ges@uhd.edu |
Jaqueline Santiago Program Coordinator |
OMB N818 | 713-221-5732 santiagoj@uhd.edu |
SCIENCE EDUCATION FACULTY | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Jon Aoki Associate Professor, Biological & Physical Science with Emphasis in Teacher Certification Program Coordinator, AP Summer Institute Director Profile |
OMB N614A | 713-221-8687 aokij@uhd.edu |
Sam Sen Lecturer Profile |
OMB N614H | 713-226-5218 sens@uhd.edu |
ADJUNCT FACULTY | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Ramil Ahmadov Adjunct Profile |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 ahmadovr@uhd.edu |
MeKonnen Birru Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 birrum@uhd.edu |
Mark Bouwens Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 bouwensm@uhd.edu |
LaTasha Burns Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 burnsl@uhd.edu |
Kam Chu Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 chuk@uhd.edu |
Bachlien Dang Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 dangb@uhd.edu |
Nina Das Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 dasn@uhd.edu |
Kellie Donoghue Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 donoghuek@uhd.edu |
Mehdi Esmaeiliyan Adjunct |
STB238 | 713-221-8140 esmaeiliyanm@uhd.edu |
David (Larry) Greene Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 greenel@uhd.edu |
Prashant Harjai Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 harjaip@uhd.edu |
Cyril Harris Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 harriscy@uhd.edu |
Mahmud Hasan Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology, NS Adjunct |
OMB N710 | 713-221-8016 hasanm@uhd.edu |
Charlet Jose Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 josec@uhd.edu |
Amal Khalil Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 khalila@uhd.edu |
Igor Kosacki Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 kosackii@uhd.edu |
Reyhan Koshkarly Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 koshkarlyr@uhd.edu |
Archana Kumar Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 kumara@uhd.edu |
Remya Mohanraj Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 mohanrajr@uhd.edu |
Robert Nail Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 nailr@uhd.edu |
Gloria Okome Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 okomeg@uhd.edu |
Nicolle Patterson Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-5804 pattersonn@uhd.edu |
Indira Pokkunuri Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 pokkunurii@uhd.edu |
Thelma Quijiano Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 quijanot@uhd.edu |
Monica Rasmus Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 rasmusm@uhd.edu |
Bhavna Rawal Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 rawalb@uhd.edu |
Joseph Reeve Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 reevej@uhd.edu |
Nawal Sharma Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 sharman@uhd.edu |
Evelyn Valdez Rangel Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 valdezrangele@uhd.edu |
Padmaja Vedartham Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 vedarthamp@uhd.edu |
Rajnish Verma Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 vermar@uhd.edu |
Tracy Webb Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 webbt@uhd.edu |
James Wooten Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 wootenj@uhd.edu |
Sheeba Zaidi Adjunct |
STB 426 | 713-221-8140 zaidish@uhd.edu |
PROFESSOR EMERITUS | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Glen Merrill Emeritus Professor |
Byron K. Christmas Emeritus Professor Profile |
LABORATORY STAFF | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Courtney Cain |
STB 126B |
713/226-5273 |
Mehdi Esmaeiliyan Laboratory Director |
STB 238 | 713-221-8177 esmaeiliyanm@uhd.edu |
Bruce Greer Instrument Technician |
OMB S808 | 713-221-8988 greerb@uhd.edu |
Mohammad Din Islam Laboratory Coordinator |
STB 126B | 713-226-5561 islamm@uhd.edu |
Suzette Mouchaty Microbiology Technician |
STB 126B | 713-222-5320 mouchatys@uhd.edu |
STAFF | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Andrea Guillory Department Business Administrative III |
STB426 | 713-222-5346 guillorya@uhd.edu |
Adriana Penabad-Galva Sustainability Coordinator |
STB109 | 713-221-2712 penabada@uhd.edu |
Jaqueline Santiago Program Coordinator, RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
N725G | 713-221-5732 santiagoj@uhd.edu |
Stephanie Macias |
STB426 |
713-221-8015 |