Travel Forms
Actual Lodging Authorization Form | Use this form to authorize the over per diem amount for the referenced travel. Must be signed by the department head. If traveler is department head, traveler's supervisor must sign. Submit with the Travel Request for approval at the same time. |
Actual Lodging Authorization Form for Concur | Use this form to authorize the over per diem amount for the referenced travel. Must be signed by the department head. If traveler is department head, traveler's supervisor must sign. Submit with the Travel Request for approval at the same time. This form MUST be submitted in Concur. |
Export Controls and Travel Embargo Form | This form must be completed and submitted by employees traveling to destinations outside the U.S. |
Release & Indemnification | Use this form for all field trip or group travel participants. |
Taxable Payment or Reimbursement to Employees | Use this form for taxable payments or reimbursement to employees. Complete and submit with the Travel Voucher. |
Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate | This certificate is for business only. Certificate should be furnished by the guest to the hotel or motel at check-in. The operator may request a government ID, business card or other identification to verify exemption claimed. |
Travel Card Application | Cardholder Application/ Applying for a Travel Card |
Travel Information Request Form (TIR) | Use this form for initial communication with Travel Office to obtain airfare, rental car and/or lodging quotes before submitting TR Form. |
Travel Request Form (TR) | Use this form to reserve funds for a trip and insure that the traveler is covered under the UHD insurance and workers compensation programs. |
Travel Voucher | Document travel expenditures on a Local Funds vouchers along with required receipts and documentation in order to copy into a PO Voucher. |
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