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Freshman Students


UHD offers, on a limited basis, a number of merit-based scholarships to select incoming full-time, first-time-in-college (FTIC)and transfer students. Merit scholarships are awarded based on academic or other qualifications, not financial need.

UHD Merit Scholarship


Freshman student applicants are, ​or soon will be, high school graduates, GED recipients, or home school graduates. Freshman applicants have fewer than 15 college-level credit hours earned, or have not attended a college/university for a long semester (fall or spring) post-high school graduation.

UHD freshman applicants* have the option to apply for admission with or without SAT/ACT test scores. Please note that if admitted without test scores, students will still need to fulfill the TSI requirement​ prior to enrollment into classes.

On your application, you will select whether you want your application to be reviewed with a test score or without a test score. The test optional policy applies to both domestic and international freshman students.

*Please note, freshman-transfer and GED/Homeschool students are not eligible to be test optional. These applicants must submit an SAT and/or ACT test score in addition to the official transcript.

The test optional policy provides a level of flexibility and removes a barrier that many face. Our team of Admissions experts are prepared to review each applicant carefully to ensure they meet our admission requirements.

Steps to Apply for Admission as a Freshman

  1. Apply online using the Apply Texas application, visit

  2. After you submit your ApplyTexas application, you'll receive an email from us within a few business days that includes your UHD ID, which you'll use to access the myUHD self-service portal. Here you are able to view your applicant To Do List and track the status of your admissions application.

  3. Submit Official High School Transcripts.
    *NOTE: High school students who have attended early college and/or completed dual credit coursework should also submitofficial college transcripts​ to avoid delays in awarding of eligible transfer credit, and for Texas Success Initiative (TSI) purposes.​​

  4. Pay non-refundable $50 application fee through your myUHD portal approximately 5 business days after submission of the ApplyTexas Application. Visit the Admissions Application Fee Payment webpage for more information.

    Freshman may qualify for an application fee waiver.

    Simply complete the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC) Fee Waiver Form​ in its entirety and submit a PDF copy through your myUHD account using the following steps:
    1. Log in to your myUHD​ account
    2. Select the "Student Center" tile
    3. Locate your To-Do List on the top right side of the page
    4. Select "Details/Upload Document"
    5. Select the "Upload/View Document" link for the "UGRD Fee Waiver Form"
    6. Select the "Upload File" button and select your completed Fee Waiver Form in PDF format and navigate through the prompts

    *PLEASE NOTE: Fee Waiver Forms that are not complete (with University Name, Student Information, Authorized Official Information, AND Economic Need) will not be accepted.

    The application fee waiver is only available to new applicants who have not already submitted their application and associated application fee. Once an application fee is submitted, the fee is valid for one calendar year from the date of payment and is non-refundable.

  5. ​UHD is test optional for freshman admissions consideration. On your admissions application, you can elect to apply with or without submitting official SAT​ or ACT scores.
    *NOTE: If electing to apply without test scores, please be advised you are still asked to submit all official SAT and/or ACT scores in order to fulfill TSI requirement, for scholarships consideration, and to expedite enrollment into classes post-admission.
    The College Board SAT school code for UHD is 6922. The ACT school code for UHD is 4170.

Already Applied? Track your Application Status​ online.

Additional Information

Freshman-Transfer applicants have graduated from high school or the equivalent, have enrolled in a post-secondary institution for at least one long semester (i.e., fall or spring) after high school graduation, and have earned fewer than 15 college­-level semester credit hours. These individuals would follow the Freshman Application procedures and submit official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended. Please note, freshman-transfer applicants are not eligible to be test optional. These applicants must submit an SAT and/or ACT test score report in addition to all official transcripts.

GED Recipients must submit their official GED/Certificate of High School Equivalency with test scores in PDF format via email directly from the issuing authority to UHD at Students who completed their GED in Texas can request their official transcript through the Texas Education Agency website.

PLEASE NOTE: PDF transcripts must be sent directly from the issuing company and directly to the email address to be considered official.

Additionally, students are required to submit official SAT and/or ACT test scores. Please note, GED applicants are not eligible to be test optional. These applicants must submit an SAT and/or ACT test score in addition to the official transcript.

Home School Students are welcome as applicants for admission. Home schooled students are evaluated for admission on the same basis as students from public and other private high schools. Please note, homeschool applicants are not eligible to be test optional. These applicants must submit an SAT and/or ACT test score in addition to the official transcript.​

Credit by Examination (AP/CLEP/IB)
Students who have earned Credit by Examination (​​AP/CLEP​/IB​)​​ should submit official scores to UHD. For more information visit the credit by examination page. Incoming freshmen can view the International Baccalaureate (IB) course equivalency table. ​

Non-U.S. Citizen and Non-Permanent Resident

Under Texas Senate Bill 1528 (SB 1528), a person who is not a US citizen or permanent resident shall be classified as a Texas resident and is entitled to pay resident tuition, if the individual:​

  1. Graduated from a public or accredited private high school in the State of Texas or received the equivalent of a high school diploma (GED) in the State of Texas,

  2. Maintained a residence continuously in the State of Texas for the 36 months immediately preceding the date of high school graduation or receipt of the high school diploma equivalent (GED), and

  3. Maintained a residence continuously in the State of Texas for the 12 months immediately preceding the academic term for which the person is trying to enroll at the University, and

  4. Submits an Affidavit of Intent stating that the person will apply to become a permanent resident of the United States as soon as the person becomes eligible to do so.​


Office of Admissions
One Main Street, GSB 308
Houston, TX 77002
Office: 713-221-8522
Fax: 713-223-7468

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Please mail all documents to the address above.​

Application Deadlines:

Fall Term: June 1
Spring Term:​ Dece​mber 15
Summer Term: May 1​