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TSI Assessment Information

TSI 2.0 Assessment



What is the TSI 2.0 Assessment (TSIA2)?

The TSIA2 was implemented to ensure that one standard instrument and one set of standards for all public institutions in Texas measure academic skills needed to succeed in math, reading, and writing. Any student planning to enroll at a Texas public institution of higher education on or after the Institutions first day for Fall 2013 and beyond will be administered the New TSI Assessment (TSIA2 as of 1/11/2021). Students may qualify for an exemption from TSIA2 and therefore be ready for college-level courses..


The TSIA2 is a program designed to help UHD determine if students are ready for college-level course work in the general areas of reading, writing and mathematics. This assessment will also help determine what type of courses or intervention will best meet your needs to help you become better prepared for college level course work should you need it. If you are an incoming college student in Texas, you are required to take the TSIA2 — unless, you are exempt. Contact ​your Academic Success Coordinator prior to testing if you have questions regarding TSIA2 exemptions. Based on your performance on the TSIA2, you will be enrolled in a college-level course that matches your skill level or an appropriate developmental course or intervention to improve your skills and prepare you for success in college-level courses​..

What is the Mandatory Pre-Assessment Activity?

Before you take the TSIA2, you must participate in a mandatory Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA). You will not be permitted to take the TSI Assessment until you have completed this activity and provided documentation to the testing center. To complete the PAA please go to Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA). For additional resources about the TSIA2 please go to TSIA2 Learning Resources site.


College Readiness Scores

TSIA (before January 11, 2021) TSIA2 (after January 11, 2021)
Subject College Readiness Scores Subject College Readiness Scores
Math 350 or higher Math CRC 950 – 990
CRC 910 – 949 AND Diagnostic Level 6
Reading 351 or higher English Language Arts and Reading* CRC 945 – 990 AND Essay 5 – 8
CRC 910 – 944 AND Diagnostic Level 5 – 6 AND Essay 5-8
Writing 340 or higher AND an essay score of at least 4; OR A placement score of less than 340 and an ABE diagnostic level of at least a 4 and an essay score of at least 5 *Students who are incomplete in Reading or Writing and wish to retest in one of the subjects will have to take the TSIA2 ELAR Test as reading and writing are no longer available as separate subjects.