Signature Events
Each year UHD participates in the Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service and the September 11th National Day of Service. Students, faculty and staff gather together to complete service projects across the Houston area and give back to their communities.
To learn more about GatorServe, including how you can get involved.

Community Engagement Showcase
Each year CCESL celebrates the work of students, faculty and staff at UHD by holding a showcase to present their work to their colleagues. The showcase is a great way for students to get practice presenting their work both inside the classroom and in the community.

Community Engagement Appreciation Ceremony
Held during the spring semester, the Community Engagement Luncheon is a chance for UHD students, faculty and staff to celebrate successful relationships made and strengthened with our community partners. Awards for student achievements in community engagement, community partner milestones and major accomplishments are highlighted at the event as well.

Community Partners Fair
Community partners from across the Houston Metro area converge on UHD each year to share their work and opportunities for involvement with the UHD community. Many of the partners in attendance garner student volunteers, staff grant projects, faculty service learning projects, and work study students for their organizations.
If you are interested in representing your organization at the next Community Partners Fair, please contact CCESL at