Data Governance
Data Governance Overview:
Welcome to the Data Governance Policy page, where we provide a comprehensive overview of our structured framework for managing the University's data assets. Our vision is to foster a well-defined environment that enhances data management, promoting informed decision-making across UHD. Our mission is to ensure the quality, accessibility, security, and proper use of data through well-established policies, standards, and educational initiatives. This framework outlines the principles that guide our commitment to high data management standards, ensuring that data is effectively governed to support the University's strategic goals.
The Data Governance Program aims to support the University of Houston-Downtown (UHD) 's business objectives by addressing essential data management elements, including ownership, stewardship, integrity, access, privacy classification, and reporting. This encompasses all UHD data, such as student, faculty, human resources, finance, facilities, alumni, and donor information, regardless of where it is stored. Research data is managed by Policy 08.A.07 Data Management and Sharing. This policy applies to all individuals affiliated with UHD who require or are permitted access to university data, irrespective of the manner, form, duration, or location of that access.
Click on the committee or group names to expand and view the members. You can collapse the sections by clicking the names again.
Policy and Practice Committee Group
- Divya Bhati
- Hossein Shahrokh
- Daniel Villanueva
- Carole Clerie
- Carol Tucker
- Heather Davis
- Theresa Meneley
- Akif Uzman
- Jennifer E Bloom
- Elizabeth Villegas
- Marie Jacinto
- Jennifer Bloom
- Sedef Smith
- Mikayel Yegiyan
Business Process Group
- Carole Clerie
- Divya Bhati
- Daniel Villanueva
- Carol Tucker
- Heather Davis
- Theresa Meneley
- Akif Uzman
- Rose Martinez
- Adilene Mendoza
- Jennifer Bloom
- Elizabeth Villegas
- Marie Jacinto
- Jennifer Bloom
- Mikayel Yegiyan
- Sedef Smith
- Duong Tran
- Wendy Burns
- Ovidio Galvan
- Zewuze Ladzekpo
- Shiya Rawls
- Kristina Raymond
- Latasha Goudeau
- Erica Morales
- Michael Connelly
- Craig Heitmiller
- Rocio Beiza
Forming Business Process Sub-Committee
The goal of the Data Governance Business Process Sub-Committee is to ensure that data governance practices are effectively integrated into business processes to enhance the quality, security, and usability of university data. Specifically, the goals of the breakout group may include:
Key Areas of Focus
Ownership and Access:
- Define the ownership of each business process and its related data.
- Determine who has access to which parts of the business process based on roles and responsibilities.
- Establish clear guidelines for assigning ownership for specific processes and data sets.
Access Request and Assignment:
- Standardize the process for requesting and assigning access to systems or data.
- Implement a role-based access control (RBAC) model to ensure users have appropriate permissions based on their role in the organization.
- Include periodic reviews to maintain up-to-date access control.
Change Management:
- Develop a formal process for requesting, approving, and implementing changes to business processes.
- Create a structured workflow for reviewing and documenting changes, including potential impacts on other departments or stakeholders.
- Ensure proper communication and training related to any changes.
Reporting and Distribution:
- Establish procedures for the creation and distribution of reports.
- Define who is responsible for generating reports, verifying their accuracy, and ensuring they are delivered to the right stakeholders.
Breakout Groups for Data Governance Business Process Initiative
Given the complexity of this initiative, breakout groups will address specific areas of data governance. Each group will have a designated VP as the owner and a point person or committee assigned to execution.
The focus begins with student data, as it forms the basis for most institutional decisions and impacts several other
areas like advising and academic affairs. Once student data is addressed, the focus
will shift to other areas.
Clear decision-making authority is necessary for each group, with responsibilities
falling under Enrollment Management, Academic Affairs, or other relevant divisions.
Admission Orientation Breakout Group
- VP Owner: Dr. Carmen Panlilio
- Focus Areas: This group will handle data collection, validation, and storage related to student demographics and admissions.
- Members:
- Ovidio Galvan (University Registrar)
- Courtney Lundgren (ED, Student Comm and Transition Prog)
- Dillon Nash (AD, New Student Orientation Enrollment Comm)
- Tandra Semins (Associate Director, Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions)
- Brenda Duran (Asst Registrar, Records, Registration and Reporting)
- Carol Tucker (Director of Institutional Research)
- Kristina Raymond (ED Admissions & Recruitment)
- Michael Connelley (Asst VP Advising and Student Progression)
- Rocio Beiza (Director, Campus Solution Services)
- IT representatives
- Dave Smith and Gabriela Kardoud
Advising and Degree Completion Breakout Group
- VP Owner: Likely the Provost or a designated VP Michael Connelley
- Focus Areas: Focus on the processes of advising, enrollment, and graduation.
- Members:
- Michael Connelley (Asst VP Advising and Student Progression)
- Anna Esparza (Director, College Advising Services)
- Vanessa Rojas (Director, College Advising Center)
- Brandon Warden (Director, College Advising Center)
- Amanda Clay (Assistant Director, Advising Services)
- Lisa Lyle (Associate Registrar of Articulation and Matriculation)
- Joe Barraza (Campus Solutions Services Technical Analyst I)
- Janelle Frazier (Assistant Registrar of Degree Audits and Graduation)
- Carol Tucker (Director of Institutional Research)
- IT representatives
- Dave Smith and Gabriela Kardoud
Payments and Student Financial Aid Breakout Group
- VP Owner: CFO/Krystal LeBlanc and Latasha Goudeau
- Focus Areas: Focus on payments, financial aid, and related processes.
- Members:
- Krystal LeBlanc (Director, Student Business Services)
- Latasha Goudeau (ED, Scholarships & Financial Aid)
- Courtney Lundgren (ED, Student Comm and Transition Prog)
- Ovi Galvan (University Registrar)
- Carol Tucker (Director of Institutional Research)
- Courtney Lundgren (ED, Student Comm and Transition Prog)
- IT representatives
- Premalatha Chinnasami and Gabriela Kardoud
Reporting Breakout Group
- VP Owner: Dr. Bhati (Assoc VP Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic)
- Focus Areas: Institutional reporting and compliance, Data quality for internal and external reporting
- Members:
- Carol Tucker (Director of Institutional Research)
- Mikayel Yegiyan (ED Data Analytics & Institutional Research)
- Patrick Morton (Coordinator, Student Records and Reporting)
- Chloe Tran (Manager, Financial Aid Systems)
- Tiffany Reno (Director, Enrollment Management Systems)
- Marketing Representative (To be Confirmed)
- IT Representatives
- Roselyn Begaye and Gabriela Kardoud
HR Breakout Group
- VP Owner: Carol Clerie (Vice President for Human Resources)
- Focus Areas: Reporting specific needs for faculty and staff
- Members:
- Erica Morales (Dir, Benefits & Compensation)
- IT Representatives
- Chris Reynolds and Kong Yin
ORSP/Grant Breakout Group
- VP Owner: TBD or Dean
- Focus Areas: Governance of grant-related data (applications, awards, compliance reporting)
- Members:
- Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) staff (To be confirmed)
- IT Representatives:
- Premalatha Chinnasami and Gabriela Kardoud
- Compliance officers (for ensuring grant data aligns with regulatory requirements)
- Grants accounting staff (for financial tracking and compliance)
Financial Breakout Group
- VP Owner: Kim Lambert-Thomas
- Focus Areas: Establishing data validation and cleansing processes
- Members:
- Theresa Mendeley (Assoc VP Business Affairs)
- Kimberly Lambert-Thomas (VP for Administration and Finance)
- Preston Heng (Director Budget)
- IT Representatives:
- Kong Yin and Gabriela Kardoud