Departmental Scholarships
Once a student has been awarded a UHD scholarship, it will be available for credit towards the students' tuition and fee bill. If funds awarded are in excess of the student's tuition and fee bill, a credit will be applied to the student's account and a refund may be issued through the University’s refunding vendor, BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. The Student Accounting Office is responsible for processing student's refund payments.
Please note that it may be necessary for students make other payment arrangements with the Student Accounting Office, if a scholarship award has not posted to the student's account before tuition payment is due. Unreported changes from the student in the number of semester hours enrolled, at the time of posting, can also delay processing of scholarship awards.

Admissions Scholarships
Alumni Relations

Marilyn Davies College of Business Scholarships
College of Humanities & Social Sciences Scholarships

College of Public Service Scholarships
College of Sciences and Technology Scholarships

Information Technology Department Scholarships
Student Affairs Scholarships

Study Abroad Scholarships