Reyna Romero

Director, Advising Services
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
One Main Street, Suite S-1001
Telephone: 713-221-8231
Scope of Responsibilities
At UHD, Ms. Romero is responsible for overseeing daily functions of the CHSS Advising Center. She coordinates with the Assistant Dean over new project implementation. She recruits, retains and graduates majors to CHSS. Ms. Romero develops/reviews processes related to majors in CHSS. She assists Assistant and Associate Dean's when needed in committees. She trains new advisors. Ms. Romero also manages staff advisors within the College of Humanities and Social Sciences as well as the daily functions of the CHSS Advising Center.
Educational Qualifications
Ms. Romero earned her Master of Arts from the University of Houston-Clear Lake and Bachelor of Science from the University of Houston-Downtown.
Professional Experience
Reyna Romero's career with UHD began as a records specialist. Ms. Romero was promoted to Academic Advisor then to Director of Advising Services in her 15 year tenure. Her gradual movement to advising was based on her experience and knowledge in the 14 majors offered by CHSS. Ms. Romero has worked under two Colleges, three Deans, three Associate Deans and two Assistant Deans learning academic policies and procedures associated with academic affairs. She served on several committees and projects that have had direct impacts on policy implementation. She has also been a member of NACADA and has presented both nationally and regionally on academic advising.