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Talent Management

Talent Management and Development Department Mission: The mission of the Talent Management and Development Department is to foster a culture of life-long learning and assist UHD employees in growing as professionals and improving job performance. The Talent Management and Development Department is responsible for:

  • Managing UHD's onboarding and off-boarding processes;
  • Developing and facilitating innovative professional learning opportunities through various media;
  • Overseeing UHD's learning management system;
  • Overseeing the new hire and annual mandatory training process;
  • Administering the performance management process; and
  • Providing guidance and training to managers and staff regarding the performance process.

For assistance with the employee performance management process please contact the HR Talent Management team at

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UHD Talent Management Contacts
Name Title Email Office Phone #
Ashley Carter Talent Management and Employee Relations Coordinator 713-226-5573
Mike Guajardo Talent Management and Development Specialist 713-221-8407