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The President's Staff Excellence Awards

Details about the President's Staff Excellence Award

The President's Staff Excellence Award recognizes staff members for individual excellence achieved in their role with the University. The President's Staff Excellence Award is the highest honor the University can bestow on a staff employee. It is designed to recognize and honor one staff member every year that has served the University in an exemplary manner.


Nominees for The President's Staff Excellence Award must demonstrate the following qualities and meet the following criteria:

  • Consistently make a positive impact through contribution and commitment to the University's core purpose and values;

  • Have performed at a level above and beyond normal job requirements;

  • Have a significant impact on the university through outstanding dedication, competence, excellent customer service, and ingenuity/innovation;

  • Have demonstrated an exceptional ability to foster collaboration, communication, and cooperation among colleagues and university constituents;

  • Dependability, responsibility, and stability;

  • Have at least three consecutive years of service with UHD in a full-time, benefits-eligible position;

  • May not have any formal disciplinary action within 12 months prior to the nomination date; and

  • Have not won the President's Staff Excellence Award in the last three academic/award years.

  • The President's Executive Board, Associate/Assistant Vice Presidents, Deans, and the Staff Council President are not eligible for any awards.

Nomination Information 

  • Nominations for the President's Staff Excellence Award will be accepted by any UHD employee. Self-nominations, however, are not permitted.
  • A complete nomination package for the President's Staff Excellence Award consists of the following two (2) items:
    1. President's Staff Excellence Award nomination form; and
    2. Statements from two (2) different UHD employees supporting the nominee.
  • The President's Staff Excellence Award nomination package must be submitted to the Awards Review Board designee by Friday, May 24, at 5:00p.m. for a nominee to be considered for the President's Staff Excellence Award.

Nominate a Colleague for the President's Staff Excellence Award by Friday, May 24


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