UHD's Strategic Planning Process

The University of Houston-Downtown's last Strategic Plan ended in 2020. Prior to the disruption of the pandemic UHD had embarked on developing a Bridge Plan, this was no easy task and led to the development of several framing stories. However, the University recognizes the unprecedented changes brought on by COVID and the many lessons and adaptations to learning, working, and research that every member of the UHD community learned and embraced this past year. These changes have spurred our community to build on the work of the Bridge Plan while reevaluating the strategic planning process and timeline to incorporate new methods of research and analysis into our approach of thisstrategic plan.
The strategic plan will be approached as if building a social movement. By building on the wealth of social and institutional knowledge of the University we will collectively envision the future of UHD and bring that vision to fruition.
This is a community effort, we need input, advice, and feedback from all UHD constituents. This website provides an overview of the methodology, processes, and individuals involved as well as information on how gators from across Houston and from all parts of the University can engage and inform the future of this institution and our community — we want to know how UHD can support your success.
The strategic planning process began in September, 2021 when the Strategic Planning Committee convened, and will conclude in March, 2022 when the final Strategic Planning document is presented to SACSCOC. Multiple avenues for engagement have been incorporated throughout the process.
2021-2022 Timeline and Milestones
*this is a working document and will be updated as needed.
Steering Committee: Comprised of University leadership. Serves as a resource to the core Committee and
acts as advisors to the Planning Facilitator and Coordinator. Also provides feedback
on the goals and strategies in the plan based on their respective areas at the University.
Strategic Planning Committee: Comprised of 22 members, each representing a key UHD constituency. The Committee will
take a collaborative approach to compile the final Strategic Plan.
Subgroups: Composed of members from the Strategic Planning Committee who are assigned to work
on the defined goals of the strategic plan, they will design the approach and develop
the implementation plan for each goal.
Writing Team: Work with all other roles to create the integrated final strategic plan report.
Project Management Team: Provide support, staffing, and direction to all other roles.
Staff Council: Provided nominations for Strategic Planning Committee representatives. When needed,
will advise the Committee and Project Management Team as to the most effective ways
to engage UHD's staff in the process.
Faculty Senate: Has representation on the Strategic Planning Committee. When needed, will advise the
Committee and Project Management Team on the most effective ways to engage faculty
throughout the process.
Student Government Association: Representatives are serving on the Strategic Planning Committee. When needed, the
SGA will assist their representatives and the Committee as a whole in engaging the
greater student body for feedback.
UHD Community: provide advice, participate in focus groups, complete surveys, and follow the progress
on social media and this website. Overall, the UHD community is essential in the creation
of a plan that propels UHD towards a future that is defined by the institution's diversity
and inclusion and recognizes UHD a community leader in educational equity and student