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Assessment Discussion Groups

There are a number of discussion groups devoted to assessment and accreditation.  The links below take you to the subscription instructions for each group.

ASSESS Listserv:  This national forum is hosted by the Association for Assessment of Learning in Higher Education at the University of Kentucky.
To subscribe to ASSESS, please follow the directions available online.

ACCSHE Listserv: The Accreditation in Southern Higher Education listserv is a regional forum for the discussion of SACS accreditation and assessment and includes officers from SACSCOC.  This listserv is hosted by the UHD Office of Institutional Effectiveness.  To subscribe to ACCSHE please send a blank email to: ACCSHE-SUBSCRIBE-REQUEST@LISTSERV.UHD.EDU

Once sent, you will receive an email for your subscription request that you must confirm before your subscription request is successful.