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Faculty Resources

Faculty Resources

The Gator Success Institute offers a variety of academic success workshops for students each semester.  The workshops are aimed for students to improve their academic status and progress towards their degrees at UHD.  Workshops are scheduled to coincide with key items on UHD's Academic Calendar.  Workshops are led by Peer Mentors in the freshmen seminars and by the Academic Success Coaches throughout the term and in freshmen/sophomore level courses at the request of faculty.

Peer Mentor Led

All Gator Peer Mentors are trained to provide five success presentations/workshops for your class. They can customize a presentation to fit your time frame. Each session includes presentation material and activities for your students.

Five Success Presentations/Workshops

  • Welcome to UHD: Transitioning to College

First time students to UHD will understand the expectations of their new endeavors and responsible behaviors at UHD. This workshop will explore the transition to UHD, characteristics of successful students, and techniques for a smooth adjustment.

  • Finding Your Focus: Time Management 101

This workshop helps students learn best practices in time management and how to successfully incorporate academic strategies into their daily and weekly routines.

  • Developing Successful Habits: Note-Taking and Study Skills

The workshops helps students learn best practices in notetaking, maximizing lectures, and adopting success strategies outside of class to make the material stick.

  • Goal Setting

This workshop focuses on how to set goals that are specific, measurable and realistic. Students can take advantage of this workshop by setting quality academic, career, and personal goals.

  • The Gator Way: Developing a Sense of Belonging

Once a Gator, Always a Gator! This workshops is to familiarize students with their UHD campus, faculty, staff, and peers. It will promote connectedness, bonding activities, group advising, and interactions with mentors and faculty.