SGA President's Newsletter 1
Newsletter # 1
Greetings Gators,
I hope this newsletter finds you well. My name is Michelle Duvall, your newly installed Student Government Association (SGA) President. I want to welcome you back to school and provide a few updates on behalf of the Student Government Association. Due to the new Omicron variant, the University will enforce a soft opening for the Spring 2022 semester. The soft opening will begin January 18 and run through February 6 and is intended to aid in lowering the number of students on campus to reduce the spread on Covid-19. Please note, your professors may reach out to you, informing you on how your course may be conducted.
The 42nd Student Government Association is also committed to being open and transparent in all that we do in service to the student body. During Spring 22, I will host open forums for students to voice concerns, questions, ideas, and more. Our first open forum will be on January 27, 2022, at 6 pm via Zoom and on SGA IG Live. Specific information regarding time, location, and how to join the conversations will be placed on Campus Groups and the SGA Instagram page (@SGAUHD).
I would like to conclude by thanking all of the faculty and staff at UHD for working tirelessly to develop plans for this upcoming semester. I also want to thank all of the student leaders at UHD that continue to hold events and workshops virtually and in-person with the student body. As always if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions you can reach out to me by email.