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System of Support - Social Work

Do you have a specific question or concern that was not addressed in the required professional development/advising session?

  1. Contact Justin Burton to schedule a follow-up session to discuss concerns you may have.
  • If you do not believe your concern has been addressed, go to step 2.
  • Contact the Social Work Program Director to discuss the concern.
  • If you do not believe your concern has been addressed, go to step 3.
  • Contact the Dean of the College of Public Service to discuss the concern.

All students will receive an email with information on how to sign up for the required session each semester. Request for additional meetings can be made by contacting Justin Burton via email.

Do you have a specific question or concern about a course?

  1. Contact the professor to discuss the concern.
  • If you do not believe your concern has been addressed, go to step 2.
  • Contact the Social Work Program Director to discuss the concern.
  • If you do not believe your concern has been addressed, go to step 3.
  • Contact the Dean of the College of Public Service to discuss the concern.

The professor should always be the first point of contact for questions about a course. In rare cases, a concern may warrant going to the next level without talking with the professor.

Do you have questions or concerns regarding FUTURE field practicum activities?

  1. Contact Dr. Smith to discuss special circumstances that might impact future field practicum decisions/opportunities.
  • If after this discussion, you believe that the circumstances will prevent you from accomplishing the field practicum, go to step 2.
  • Contact the Social Work Program Director to further discuss the circumstances and potential options to help you complete your degree.

Talking with the Director of Field Education at least 1 year in advance about potential circumstances that might limit your ability to fulfill the field practicum requirement is encouraged.

Do you have a questions or concerns regarding CURRENT field practicum activities (during the field application process or when you are enrolled in field practicum courses)?

  1. Contact Leslie Sirrianni or your Field Practicum Instructor about any concerns/problems you are experiencing during your time at field practicum site.
  • If after consulting with us, you believe that your concerns have not been addressed, go to step 2.
  • Contact the Social Work Program Director to discuss the concerns or problems you are experiencing at the field practicum site.

The Director of Field Education and the Issues in Field Practicum Instructors work as a team on your behalf to ensure that you have a successful field experience.

Contact information for professors listed:

Social Work Advisor

Justin Burton -, 713-221-8055

Director of Field Education

Leslie Sirrianni -, 713-226-5279

Program Director

Dr. Dawn McCarty -, 713-221-2729