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Alternative Certification Program (ACP)

UHD Department of Urban Education

Submissions for the Summer 2025 are now open

Alternative Certification is a program that allows those with a baccalaureate degree from an accredited university to pursue initial teacher certification without completing a traditional teacher certification program. At UHD, ACP students apply and are considered post-baccalaureate (PB), but coursework is taken at the undergraduate level. Therefore, students pay undergraduate tuition. Applicants considering financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office to determine eligibility. Please note that the Texas Education Agency prohibits students from being enrolled in more than one educator preparation program. Applicants that have begun or are enrolled in another program will not be eligible for admission. 

Join the Graduate Studies and Urban Education Department with the College of Public Service on information on the Alternative Certification Program & Master of Arts in Teaching w/Teacher Certification.

Application Deadline

Summer 2025 Application Deadline: April 11, 2025

Admission Requirements
1. Bachelor's Degree must be awarded by the application deadline to be eligible for admission. Submit all official transcript(s) including one which depicts an earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited university and any graduate credit earned.
2. Minimum overall GPA of 2.5 and subject area GPA of 2.5 are required.
3. Submit university admissions application via Apply Texas. Apply as a "US Transfer" and choose "Education Core Sub EC-6 STR/ESL Supplemental" as the major. Additional questions within the application will allow you to indicate that you will be a non-degree seeking post-baccalaureate student. Admission to UHD as a post-baccalaureate student does not guarantee admission into the ACP.
4. Submit the ACP Application through TK20. ACP Application Instructions (pdf)
5. Complete and submit the ACP Recommendation Form in TK20. 
6. Interview

Phase 1: Pre-Internship Candidacy (Semesters 1 and 2)

After being admitted to the program as a candidate:

Students will complete the following coursework.

EC-6 Core Subjects w/ ESL Supplemental Certification (27 credit hours)
Secondary Certification (27 credit hours)
Summer May Mini
SOSE 3306: Teaching in Urban Classrooms
SOSE 3306: Teaching in Urban Classrooms
Summer 5-Week 1
BED 3311: Foundations of Bilingual and ESL Education READ 3303: Literacy Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in the EC-8 Classroom
BED 3311: Foundations of Bilingual and ESL Education ETC 3301: Educational Technology
Summer 5-Week 2
ESL 3303: Instruction and Assessment of English Language Learners EC-8 READ 3309: Teaching Reading in the Content Areas 4-12
ESL 3303: Instruction and Assessment of English Language Learners EC-8 SED 3302: Instructional Design to Promote Student Learning

PED 3305: Understanding the EC-12 Learner SOSE 4304: Current Issues in Urban Teaching
PED 3305: Understanding the EC-12 Learner SOSE 4304: Current Issues in Urban Teaching
EED 3312: Effective Teaching Strategies in Mathematics Education EC-6 SOSE 4304: Current Issues in Urban Teaching
SED 3312: Organizing and Managing the Classroom Environment in the Secondary School SOSE 4304: Current Issues in Urban Teaching

*Course requires 6 hours per week (60 clock hours total) of fieldwork in an assigned public school

  • Pay fees associated with university coursework, tuition, books, etc.
  • During second semester courses, apply for a one-year teaching internship in your grade and certification area at a Texas Education Agency accredited school.
  • Once you have secured employment give UHD's Teacher Education Certification Compliance Coordinator the contact information for your HR Rep Internships should begin in August

Phase 2: Securing Employment for Internship

  • During Summer, register for and pass certification exams
  • Content exam (all certification areas)
  • ESL Supplemental Exam (EC-6 Core Subjects w/ ESL Supplemental only)
  • Science of Teaching Reading Exam (EC-6 Core Subjects w/ ESL Supplemental only)

  • Apply for a one-year teaching internship in your grade and certification area at a Texas Education Agency accredited school.
  • Once you have secured employment give UHD's Teacher Education Certification Compliance Coordinator the contact information for your HR Representative. Internships should begin in August and last one full school year.
  • UHD Department of Urban Education recommends candidates for appropriate intern or probationary teaching certificate.

Phase 3: Internship (Semesters 3 and 4)

  • An intern is the "teacher of record" with all rights, privileges, and responsibilities of any other teacher in Texas [Texas Education Code 13.306(2) and 13.037(a)] and must abide by the Teacher Code of Ethics (Texas Administrative Code 19.7§247).
  • Each candidate is supported by a mentor teacher on her/his campus, university faculty during SOSE 4304, and a UHD field supervisor.
  • During the one-year internship, candidates must:
  • Attend required professional development seminars/workshops.
  • Pass the TExES EC-12 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities exam (if not previously passed).
  • Successfully complete state and school district appraisal requirements.
  • Be recommended for certification.
  • Submit an e-portfolio for the internship year.

Phase 4: Following Internship

  • Apply and pay for your standard teaching certification through your TEAL online account
  • Complete UHD Recommendation Request Form

Alternative Certification Program candidates must:

  • Comply with the Teacher Educator Code of Ethics (TAC 19.7.247)
  • Understand that, as state guidelines change, program revisions occur to ensure that the UHD Urban Education Alternative Certification Program remains in compliance with Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and Texas Education Agency (TEA) regulations and guidelines. 
  • Realize that students are responsible for keeping up with revision that affect individualized degree plans. Students should contact their advisor regularly and monitor the TEA website for teacher certification changes.


For More Information Contact
Dr. Bernardo Pohl
Professor, Assistant Chair of Graduate Studies 

Fernando Lanza
Assistant Director, Graduate Studies 

For general information please contact: