Urban Education
Contact Us
UHD Department of
Urban Education
Address: 1002 Commerce Street Houston, TX 77002
Office: C-440
Phone: 713-222-5349
Fax: 713-223-7446
Ashwini Tiwari, Ph.D.
Chair of the Department of Urban Education
Elizabeth Stackhouse, Ph.D.
Assistant Chair of the Department of Urban Education
Bernardo Pohl, Ph.D.
Assistant for Graduate Studies
Urban Education Handbook 2024 - 2025
Vision Statement
"As a premier Education Program, we aim to ensure the highest level of educator preparation
through excellence in pedagogy and evidence-based high-impact practices. We are committed
to strengthening justice, equity, opportunity, accessibility, and student success.
We aspire to transform future educators into leaders of tomorrow, determined to contribute
to the rich and diverse cultural and linguistic contexts that define our schools and
The Core Subjects EC-6 with Bilingual Supplemental certification are for those interested in teaching early childhood through grade 6 bilingual classrooms. Degree Plan
The Core Subjects EC-6 with ESL Supplemental certification are for those interested in teaching early childhood through grade 6 classrooms. Degree Plan
The Core Subjects EC-6 with EC-12 Special Education and ESL Supplemental certification are for those interested in teaching early childhood through 12th grade special education classrooms. Degree Plan
The Core Subjects 4-8 with ESL Supplemental certification are for those interested in teaching upper elementary classrooms through middle school grade levels. Degree Plan
For students majoring in English, History, Math, or Science. Secondary Teacher Preparation Program
For students interested in pursing a Master's Degree. Master of Arts in Teaching
For those with a bachelor's degree interested in teaching, but not pursuing a master's degree. Alternative Certification Program

New Urban Education Scholarship
The Emeritus Max Castillo Scholarship was founded in honor of former UHD President Max Castillo. As such, the scholarship is open to undergraduate preservice teachers admitted to the UE program.
The scholarship provides $1,100 once a year for the fall semester, and it should be used towards tuition, books, fees, and/or supplies for the upcoming academic semester.
UHD Admission Requirements
UHD admission requirements must be met before admission to the College of Public Service. Below are the requirements for UHD:
- Minimum 2.0 GPA
- 15 hours
- Admit students throughout the year
Teacher Education Program Admission Requirements
- minimum 2.5 overall GPA (including grades from all colleges/universities attended)
- Successful completion (with a grade of "C" or higher) in all of the following within the last 12 hours before the PDs: College Algebra or higher Math, Composition I and II, Life and Physical Science component, American History Component.
- Formal application to the program and interview
Ready to Apply?
- Apply online at Apply Texas.
- Submit final official transcripts from all schools attended.
- Await instructions from the Admissions Office regarding acceptance, orientation and advising which are mandatory before you can enroll.
CPS students, whether officially declared or not, are provided with guidance by their designated Academic Success Coordinator, who can be found in the CPS Advising Center located in room C-420 of the Commerce Street Building.
More Information
Application Support
Our friends at the nonprofit TEACH for Houston have free tools and resources to make applying to UHD's undergraduate teaching programs easier and more affordable! Create a free account [link] to use UHD's free interactive application checklist on TEACHforHouston.org, and you'll also gain access to:
- $100 fee reimbursement towards application and testing expenses.
- 1-on-1 expert advice for any question along the way.
- How-to guides for eligibility, applications, testing and finances.
- A chance to win a $1,000 scholarship toward tuition.
Helpful Links
Professional licensure disclosure: The educator preparation program within the department of Urban Education at the University of Houston-Downtown provides a curriculum that prepares students to meet the state of Texas certification/licensure requirements. The university has not yet determined whether the curriculum meets the licensure requirements for all 50 states. Please consult the following website to determine the teacher certification reciprocity between the state of Texas and other states: https://www.teachercertificationdegrees.com/reciprocity/
We hope this information is useful to you. If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to ask at our link, and our friendly and professional staffers will be happy to assist you. Thank you again for your interest in UHD and the College of Public Service! Let us know how we can help you along your journey to attain your educational goals!