Class Notes
Danielle Soria-Orozco
Director of Alumni Relations
Jesse Lopez
Manager, Alumni Relations
University Advancement
One Main Street, S990
Houston, TX 77002
Class Notes
Casey N Sowers
Graduation Year: 2018
Graduation Major: College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary Studies
Class Note Type: Career
Controller Production Accountant
Earned Masters of Science in Educational.

PreSha Barnes
Graduation Year: 2006
Graduation Major: College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Communication Studies
Class Note Type: Career
PreSha has been in education for over a decade. During her tenure in education, she
has helped many students overcome bullying. Most recently, she has used her experience
in education to begin the FrankieBMovement. She is the author of Frankie B, "When
the fear stops, the bullying stops!" PreSha goes to inner-city, surrounding schools
and organizations to promote her anti-bullying campaign through activities aligned
to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), and encourages students to overcome
bullying. Through student engagement and the FrankieBMovement, she helps target a
plan of action for students and adults in order to tackle situations that students
encounter when faced in a situation that entails bullying. Through her passion for
philanthropy, she partnered with another local business this Summer 2018 to create
the first annual, "Frankie B and Party Caboodle Community Event" that encourages students
to do their best and be their best in their community. PreSha is determined to reach
all students and encourages them to become authors as well.
Visit to see how Frankie B is impacting students everywhere.

Taylor Anderson
Graduation Year: 2014
Graduation Major: College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Communication Studies
Class Note Type: Career
I am so thankful for UHD and the lessons I learned there. I now have my dream career, I bought my dream car and I live in my dream apartment in Downtown Dallas! I am the Territory Manager for the largest blank wholesale apparel distributor, called SanMar.

Jeffrey Palmer
Graduation Year: 2020
Graduation Major: College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Psychology
Class Note Type: Career
Cum Laude with two minors: Political Science and Public Policy Administration
Honor Societies: Psi Chi, Pi Gamma Mu, Pi Sigma Alpha

Elizabeth Campbell
Graduation Year: 2016
Graduation Major: College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rhetorical Communication
Class Note Type: Career
UHD helped me obtain my first ever internship at the Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HCOHSEM). Four years, a Bachelors Degree, a Masters Degree and two promotions later, I am now the HCOHSEM Social Media Specialist. I could not have done it without the amazing support that UHD provided me. I am forever blessed and grateful to have been a Gator! #GatorStrong

Valdene Mark
Graduation Major: College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Class Note Type: Career
I have a juvenile fiction title Jade Braves the Dark being released on September 15,
2020. Included below is my author biography and more information about Sugar Apple
Author Biography
Valdene Mark is a Vincentian writer, an M.Ed. in Higher Education graduate, and the
founder of Sugar Apple Books. Her first book, Jade Braves the Dark, follows the main
character Jade as she learns to use her imagination to conquer her nighttime fears.
Valdene’s stories, inspired by her childhood in the Caribbean, encourage children
to use the power of imagination to navigate their feelings. Valdene now lives in Providence,
Rhode Island, with her husband and two children.
Sugar Apple Books creates diverse children’s books aimed at early readers. Founder
Valdene Mark encourages stories with a focus on promoting imagination, encouraging
resilience, and teaching children how to navigate feelings and emotions. Valdene hopes
to spread joy and share a love of quality books with young readers all around the
For more information visit:

Leander J. Obregon
Graduation Year: 2010
Graduation Major: Computer Information Systems
Class Note Type: Career
Effective January 31, 2021, L Joe Obregon, currently PA - Analytics Scrum Master Houston,
Information Technology, ExxonMobil Global Services Company, has elected to retire
after 25 years of service.
Please join us in wishing Joe and his wife Margie a long and happy retirement.

Jessica M. Fuentes
Graduation Year: 2012
Graduation Major: College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Class Note Type: Career
On January 13, 2021 Runner's World, one of the more popular running magazines in the world, published an article about my ongoing journey towards a healthy lifestyle.

Mary Kawar
Graduation Year: 2010
Graduation Major: Interdisciplinary Studies
Class Note Type: Career
I completed my MS in Management and Leadership January 2021!
Laura Muske
Graduation Year: 2017
Graduation Major: MBA
Class Note Type: Career
I earned the Associate in Risk Management (ARM) designation.
Juan S. Antonio
Graduation Year: 2007
Graduation Major: Criminl Justice
Class Note Type: Career
he City of Houston issued a proclamation declaring December 15th Juan Antonio Sorto Day in Houston, Texas for the following ongoing commitments in Houston and El Salvador.
- Guiding athletes with disabilities to complete marathons.
- Mentoring second and third grade children at Houston Independiente School District since 2014.
- Delivering and distributing toys and food to families in El Salvador for over 10 years.
- Volunteering for the Star of Hope Family and Women Homeless Shelter since 2002. Cooking and serving breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Organizing several community health fairs in Northeast Houston after Hurricane Harvey along with the Department of Neighborhoods.
- Co-founding the Northeast Houston Farmer Market in Kashmere Gardens. Offering fresh and nutritional food to our communities in need.
- As vice-chair and chair of the Alliance I visited all active Super Neighborhoods (50 plus). Participated in community projects and develop strategic plans.
- Facilitating workshops and community plans for the Alliance and community associations.
- Successfully having Alliance meetings broadcast live on television, since the organization was founded in 1999.

Jennifer Woodruff
Graduation Year: 2003
Graduation Major: University College
Class Note Type: Career
Hi there UHD,
My name is Jennifer and I am a 2003 University of Houston-Downtown Alumna. I wanted
to share a book that I wrote during our recent pandemic. Since graduating, I have
had a remarkably successful career in pharmaceutical and medical device sales. In
2015, I left my employment status behind and I became a business owner. I created
a company from an idea and now it is a trademarked brand (Patient Better). In the
last three years of it's conception I have been devoted to creating a program that
helps people and their family members self-manage medical care (
The book that I wrote is extremely important to me, not because it challenged me in
so many ways, but because of its relevancy and how much additional value it brings
into our society. Patient Better: A Remote Companion for Self-Health Management (Release
date: January 1st, 2021) helps our population with debilitating conditions such as
Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and other severe illnesses and conditions (and their
families) make it through the tough times- only easier. This is not a book of consolation,
but rather, it is a book to help people and their families help themselves by teaching
them how to manage medical care for both in-person and virtual medical office visits.
I also wanted to take this time, whether my life's journey makes it to your magazine,
to again, thank UHD for helping me graduate. I was a foster child in the system growing
up in Wisconsin. I was living down here for a couple of years and I had no idea what
I was getting into when I called you all up in the fall of '98 for a "tour". And before
I knew it, I was enrolled in the next semester. Life happened of course, and a couple
of key pivotal people that worked at UHD helped me make it through. And I went on
to lead a much better life, with UHD's help. And I know that most (if not all) of
the people probably don't work there anymore. But I can only imagine how many other
young adult's lives' you have enriched for the better, just like mine.

Kayla M. Thomas
Graduation Year: 2020
Graduation Major: Criminal Justice
Class Note Type: Career
Throughout this journey, I have gained valuable insight and knowledge regarding my
chosen career but most importantly of all; I've learned so much more about myself.
I didn't have anyone by my side motivating me to keep pushing towards my goals. I
was my support system, my own cheerleader, and when I felt discouraged, I leaned on
myself for guidance. However, I can't take all of the credit; God put me in this position
for a reason. He taught me how to have patience and discipline. I said all of that
to say that no matter what goal you would like to achieve or any dream you are chasing,
keep going, no matter how pointless it may seem to others.
Congratulations Class of 2020!

Francis Rios
Graduation Year: 2013
Graduation Major: College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Class Note Type: Career
Was just appointed as the Senior Major Gifts Manager at Salvation Army of Greater Houston.
Christopher L. Butler
Graduation Year: 2018
Graduation Major: Interdisciplinary Studies
Class Note Type: Career
Chris L. Butler's poem "Progeny" was nominated by Lucky Jefferson Literary Journal
for the 2021 Pushcart Prize. The Pushcart Prize is an American literary prize that
honors the best poetry, essays, and short fiction.
Juan M. Gonzalez
Graduation Year: 2000
Graduation Major: Social Sciences
Class Note Type: Career
Started new career as the Chief Safety Officer for the City of Brownsville, Texas B Metro.

Melissa Hernandez
Graduation Year: 2011
Graduation Major: Philosophy
Class Note Type: Career
SER Jobs for Progress National has appointed me as the new SER MUJER (Women Entrepreneurship) Program Manager.
Jakis Pierce
Graduation Year: 2018
Graduation Major: Corporate Communications
Class Note Type: Career
I am the Business Development Manager for 4 campuses at Tulsa welding school.
Laura L. Price
Graduation Year: 2018
Graduation Major: Fine Arts
Class Note Type: Career
Although 'officially' retired Laura is now working as Program Director, Scenic Artist, & sometimes Actor at Stageworks - Houston. Living the dream & loving life!

Shantele Sowells
Graduation Year: 2005
Graduation Major: Structural Analysis and Design
Class Note Type: Career
Sowells Consulting Engineers is Celebrating 10 Years of Civil Engineering Service.

David E. Moore
Graduation Year: 2012
Graduation Major: Criminal Justice
Class Note Type: Career
Police Sergeant - Houston Community College Police Criminal Investigations Division.
Eduardo E. Landaeta
Graduation Year: 2009
Graduation Major: Interdisciplinary Studies
Class Note Type: Career
After almost 10 years of my graduation, I have been working in the Sales and Communications
area with different companies a couple months ago that I started to do a special project
in the Negotiations Department for Central America at the Ministry of Foreign Relations
- International Cooperation’s Direction for the Republic of Panamá @cancilleriapma.
It is like reviving all my political classes and the amazing experience got it with
the Model UN working with embassies, dignitaries and entities. It is an amazing opportunity
to grow and share knowledge as preparation to a PhD program in International Studies
that I will start next fall at Old Dominion University.
I did an specialization in International Business in Brazil at @mackenzie1870 , four
years ago. UHD gave me the foundations to be where I am today, I’m a thankful, I’m
a Gator!

Leroy Adams
Graduation Year: 2014
Graduation Major: Political Science
Class Note Type: Career
My name is Leroy Adams, an alumnus of the 2014 class. My latest achievements include
graduating from the Maynard 200 Journalism Institute as a fellow of the Media Entrepreneurship
Also, recently I was selected as a 2020 Fellow for New Leaders Council, a non-profit organization that works to recruit, train and promote young progressive
leaders ranging from elected officials and civically-engaged leaders in business and

Donna McIntosh
Graduation Year: 2018
Graduation Major: College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary Studies
Class Note Type: Career
UHD helped me achieve my goal of becoming an attorney by giving me a strong educational
foundation that helped me be a successful student at the UH Law Center. UHD offers
the benefits of impactful professors as well as classes that fit into my schedule,
which made obtaining my degree a reality. I now practice law in the area of public
finance at Orrick, a renowned international firm and #1 Bond Counsel firm in the country.
Being a public finance attorney helps me give back to Houston and Harris County through
assisting in various types of municipal and county financing transactions. I would
not be where I am today without UHD.

Lorenz Losbanos
Graduation Year: 2019
Graduation Major: Interdisciplinary Studies
Class Note Type: Career
Since graduating from UHD this past July 2019, I have been accepted to start my Master of Science in Accountancy at Rutgers University in the NYC metropolitan area. I have also been given a full time offer to work as an accountant in Manhattan, NY (NYC). Thank you UHD, my professors, and the community for providing the tools I needed for this next step in my personal, professional, and academic journey.
Brook Bell
Graduation Year: 2017
Graduation Major: Education
Class Note Type: Career
I am truly grateful to be a UHD Gator Alumni. I was a mother, working a full time job as a teaching assistant. UHD made it possible for me to get my degree. Online classes. Affordable tuition. Payment plans. What more could I have asked for? I am now a special education teacher, in school to obtain my masters in special education/diagnostician. Thank you UHD!

Brian Bayani
Graduation Year: 2013
Graduation Major: Applied Administration
Class Note Type: Career
Brian has been the Executive Director and EMS Chief of Northwest Community Health since 2014. He completed his Master of Public Administration with a concentration in Disaster/Emergency Preparedness from Sam Houston State University, and is in his final seminar year in the Ph.D. in Leadership Studies Program at Dallas Baptist University.

Sherry M. Thornburg (née Ledet)
Graduation Year: 2014
Graduation Major: Professional Writing
Class Note Type: Career
Finally got my first job after graduation as a technical writer in California for Department of the Navy. Your projects-based program helped verify my skills to them.
April Y. McIntosh
Graduation Year: 2016
Graduation Major: Business Management
Class Note Type: Career
In the month of February, I received my SHRM Senior Certified Professional certification in HR and was hired as the Finance and Administrative Director for Camp for All. This nonprofit reaches over 11,000 people with its unique programs.
Esteban Duran
Graduation Year: 2017
Graduation Major: Computer Science
Class Note Type: Career
I started an internship at NASA's Johnson Space Center in January. My work involves developing deep learning applications for the Hybrid Reality Lab in order to assess an astronaut's brain-state during training. In May, I start a full-time position as a Flight Software Engineer working on rockets for FireFly Aerospace. Shoot for the stars and you will get there fellow Gators!

Peter T. Tran
Graduation Year: 2014
Graduation Major: Accountancy
Class Note Type: Career

Magdalena Mendoza
Graduation Year: 2018
Graduation Major: College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary Studies
Class Note Type: Career
Title V, Program Manager at Lone Star College-Tomball.
Earned Masters of Science in Educational Administration from Texas A&M University.

Nayeli N Moyeda
Graduation Year: 2016
Graduation Major: College of Public Service
Class Note Type: Career
I graduated from the University of Houston-Downtown in 2013 with a B.S. in Sociology and went back for a M.S. in Criminal Justice which I received in 2016. It was such an accomplishment because not only was I the first in my family to have the opportunity to receive a higher education, but I started my journey at UHD undocumented with the fear of never being able to put my education to use. In 2012, however, I literally received the best gift an undocumented individual could receive and that was the opportunity to work and be protected from deportation all due to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). I was immediately seeking part-time and paid internship experiences that could help jump start my next adventure in life, which was getting on the field and putting my education to work. Ever since 2012 I have had the opportunity to work in the private, public, and non-profit sector in different positions where I have tutored children, aided the minority community in ESL, assisted attorneys, advocated for survivors, and guided at-risk youth. My dedication to helping others continues at Crime Stoppers of Houston as I strive to empower the youth and our community from the greater Houston area by utilizing my bilingual voice to educate on safety and prevention topics. I am DACA proud, finished UHD strong and now I help prevent crime at Houston's top non-profit.

Cory Obrien
Graduation Year: 2016
Graduation Major: College of Sciences and Technology
Class Note Type: Career
Since graduating in 2016, I have been working in the environmental industry.
Jessica L Byars
Graduation Year: 2000
Graduation Major: College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Class Note Type: Career
Next week I'm starting a new job at NVIDIA as a Senior Technical Writer. This is an
exciting new endeavor!
I'm grateful for my UHD education. It has taken me to wonderful places. During these
20 years, I've written for numerous subject matters including - toxic mold, water
safety, seismic processing, network security, and so much more. I look forward to
adding more awesome, innovative technologies to my list next week. #gogators

Anthony J Hinojosa
Graduation Year: 2003
Graduation Major: College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Class Note Type: Career
I am currently the Federal Manager for Compassion and Choices, the oldest and largest
nonprofit advocating for end of life options.

Laquitta Sarah DeMerchant
Graduation Year: 1997
Graduation Major: Computer Information Systems
Class Note Type: Board/Commission Service
New Board Member for The Alliance.

Roman McAllen
Graduation Year: 1990
Graduation Major: Business
Class Note Type: Award & Recognition
Roman is the President Elect of Preservation Texas and the Democratic Nominee for The Railroad Commission of Texas for 2018. Vote in November 2018.

Leander J. Obregon
Graduation Year: 2010
Graduation Major: Computer Information Systems
Class Note Type: Award & Recognition
Completed two certifications recently as part of the company's DevOps/Agile journey.
In effect, like many other companies, we are looking at new ways of working collaboratively
in order to bring more value to the business.
The Advanced Certification took me 1:59 of the 2 hours allowed. Reminded me of my
UHD exam days!

Juan A. Sorto
Graduation Year: 2007
Graduation Major: Criminal Justice
Class Note Type: Books, Publications, Exhibitions and Performances
In 2016, I was approached by an organization in El Salvador about writing a book with
60 other young Salvadoreans from around the world who are giving a positive image
to our society through the type of work that we do in our communities.
While the book, now in its 2nd edition, is currently written in Spanish I would like
to share my chapter with the University of Houston-Downtown.
The title of my chapter is translated to Youth: Community, Education, and Empowerment. The theme of my chapter pertains to all the work that I have done throughout the
years with various communities, and the relationship that I have fostered with politicians
and various leaders by using tools that I have learned throughout Ph.D. I discuss
the importance of consensus building through education, and how it can be used as
a tool to not only empower our youth but the growth of our communities.
In the chapter, I credit the University of Houston-Downtown for allowing me to grow
and publish this book.

Keith Henry
"I graduated from UHD in 2010 and majored in Finance. Since then, I lived abroad in
Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I learned Spanish. I started a creative agency called
Kickstreet, a business that helps companies create names.
Dateline Downtown wrote an article about Kickstreet in Volume 44.5 (Page 2) in Spring 2010. (Kickstreet was a different company at the time.)
Also, I recently released a book called How to Create a Great Business Name (See"
Jewel Kusek
"DPA Microphones announces that Jewel Kusek has joined the DPA team in the United States as general manager.
Kusek joins DPA Microphones after serving as controller for Next Level Resource Partners
in Denver, Colorado. Prior to her role as controller, Kusek served as vice president
of Accounting at Tristar Web Graphics and as a financial analyst for Hunting Energy
Services, both in Houston, Texas.
Kusek holds a bachelor's degree in Accounting from the University of Houston-Downtown."
- ProSoundWeb
José Leal
"At a brief ceremony in the Manuel Rodríguez, Jr. Board Auditorium, José Leal was sworn in as District III trustee by State Sen. Sylvia Garcia. He was surrounded
by friends and family during the board ceremony, which was presided over by District
II Board Secretary Rhonda Skillern-Jones.
Leal was appointed to the Board of Education in August 2017 by unanimous vote of HISD
trustees. He is serving a portion of the unexpired term of District III representative,
a position left vacant by the passing of Trustee Rodriguez. Leal'''s term will expire
in January 2018 after a special election for the office will be held on Nov. 7, 2017.
Leal earned a bachelor of science in business information computer systems and graduated
cum laude from the University of Houston-Downtown."
- HISD News Blog
Controller Production Accountant
Earned Masters of Science in Educational.
Patrol Deputy Shandalynn Rhame
"Liberty County Sheriff Bobby Rader announced the selection committee's choice for
"Employee of the Month" be Patrol Deputy Shandalynn Rhame, who is a 12-year veteran with the Sheriff's Office.
Rather than burden the already over-loaded detective division with another case to
manage, she will follow up on many of these type cases and will see them through to
completion, which results in a very high rate of case closures and an equally high
conviction rate in court.
Her future goal is to someday become an investigator with the Sheriff's Office, and
with her firm foundation in investigative skills this seems to be a goal that will
be attainable one day.
Rhame first came to the Sheriff's Office as a dispatcher and supervisor and later
put herself through the University of Houston-Downtown police academy."
- The Indicator
Wilfredo Montanez
"Wilfredo Montanez is a product of HISD schools and began his educational career as a teaching assistant
and associate teacher. He served as Spanish teacher at the Ninth Grade College Preparatory
Academy and he taught math at Sam Houston MSTC. Montanez served as a curriculum and
content specialist, instructional specialist, and most recently dean of Students at
both Sam Houston and Hamilton Middle.
Montanez earned his bachelor's degree in Spanish with a minor in mathematics from
University of Houston-Downtown [as well as a master's from another institution]."
- HISD News Blog
Summer Day
"Meals on Wheels Montgomery County (MOWMC) has announced the selection of Summer Day as its new Executive Director.
Day had previously served as Operations Manager for MOWMC, during which time she revised
and streamlined operations to be more effective and efficient.
Day is a graduate of University of Houston-Downtown."
- Conroe Today
Victor Garcia
"Victor Garcia has been selected as the new principal at Port Houston Elementary School.
His leadership experiences also include the position of instructional specialist and
assistant principal at Benavidez Elementary.
Garcia attended the University of Houston-Downtown for his undergraduate degree in
Urban Education."
- HISD News Blog
Jane Ocanas
"Jane Ocanas has been named principal of Marshall Elementary School after serving as principal
of Grissom Elementary for four years.
Ocanas began her career in education as a bilingual teacher with HISD in 2004 and
has also served as an instructional coordinator and assistant principal.
Ocanas has a bachelo's degree in general business from University of Houston-Downtown
[as well as a master's from another institution]."
- HISD News Blog
Brishaun Sutton
"Brishaun Sutton has been selected as the new principal for Kate Bell Elementary School. Sutton has
been an educator for 20 years and has served in various roles, from teacher to assistant
Sutton earned her bachelor's degree in computer information systems from University
of Houston-Downtown [as well as a master's from another institution]."
- HISD News Blog
Dr. Michelle Burke
"Dr. Michelle Burke has been selected as the new director for HISD's Family and Community Engagement
(FACE) Department. She will continue working on assisting schools, families, and community
stakeholders with the tools, guidance, and resources needed to support student academic
achievement. She will take an active role in empowering families and the community
at large to make the best decisions for their child's academic success.
Dr. Burke holds a bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University
of Houston-Downtown, [as well as graduate degrees from other institutions]."
- HISD News Blog
Trazanna Moreno
Trazanna Moreno has been appointed to the Houston Zoo executive team as vice president of marketing
& communications. She previously served as chief marketing officer for the Houston
Symphony. Moreno's lengthy career also includes two tenures at the YMCA of Greater
Houston where she served for five years as the senior vice president and chief marketing.
Moreno and her YMCA team won AMA Houston Marketer of the Year in 2013, as well as
PRSA Houston Nonprofit Team of the Year in 2012.
Moreno earned a Master's of Science in Professional/Technical Writing from UHD in

Steven Kaufman
Steven Kaufman, founder and chief executive officer for, was recently named to Houston
Business Journal's 2018 Most Admired CEO List (For-Profit Sector).
is a Houston-based real estate finance provider of home equity loans, hard money loans,
crowdfunding opportunities and mortgages to individual and corporate consumers. The
Houston Business Journal and Inc. Magazine placed the now 14-year-old company as one
of the fastest-growing companies in the U.S.
Kaufman earned a Bachelor's of Business Administration in Accounting from UHD in 2001.

Cheryl "Charly" Weldon
Cheryl "Charly" Weldon, president and chief executive officer of Family Houston, was named to Houston Business
Journal's 2018 "Most Admired CEO List (Nonprofit Sector)". Family Houston provides
programs and outreach services dedicated to teaching life skills necessary to face
financial, health, relationship and other critical challenges to strengthen families
leading to a healthier, more stable community.
Weldon earned a Bachelor's of Business Administration in Management from UHD in 2005.