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Website Accessibility

UHD's website follows the technical standards of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, level AA.

UHD uses Siteimprove to scan our website. Siteimprove provides a score and reports of the accessibility issues. Our goal is to continually improve that score by fixing the accessibility issues reported.

General Do's and Don'ts for UHD's website

Do Don't
Do use an h1 HTML tag for the page title. Don't use an h1 HTML tag for subheadings of the page.
Do structure headings in correct order. Don't structure headings in incorrect order.
Do use descriptive and concise text for an image's alternative text. Don't use an asterisk (*) or the file name for an image's alternative text.
Do use images to enhance a page (Rule of thumb, if all images are removed will the intended content be conveyed?). Don't use images as the only content (i.e. all of Web page's text on a single image).
Do use a readable font size. Don't use a small font size.
Do use good color contrast ratio between text and background. Don't use low color contrast ratio between text and background.
Do left align text. Don't justify text.
Do write in plain English.

The Institute for Plain English Research and Study (IPERS) offers resources, engages in research on the topic, and provides training sessions for UHD students, faculty, staff, and local professionals.
Don't use figures of speech, idioms or slang.
Do use underlining for hyperlinks. Don't use underlining for text styling.
Do use the <hr /> HTML tag for a horizontal rule. Don't use several underscore characters for a horizontal rule.
Do use descriptive and applicable text for hyperlinks. Don't use uninformative or vague text for hyperlinks (i.e. Click here).
Do use bold or italics to emphasize certain words. Don't use bold or italics to emphasize entire sentences or paragraphs.
Do use proper capitalization. Don't use all capitals.
Do use a table to present tabular data. Don't use a table for layout.