What is the Give To Gators Campaign?
Give to Gators is another way employees come together to make an impact on our students
and community. Their gifts support scholarships that benefit current students and
improve programs throughout UHD. Beyond the work we do every day to deliver the highest quality education, investing
your charitable donations in UHD is an extra step that makes a significant difference!
Is my gift tax-deductible?
Yes. UHD is qualified as a tax-exempt organization under section 115(1) of the IRS
Code, so all gifts to UHD are tax deductible. To find out more about tax deductibility,
visit the IRS at www.irs.gov.
Why does the University need annual giving support?
State funding and student tuition cover only a percentage of the University's operating
budget. Gifts from faculty, staff, students and friends help support our programs,
provide scholarships and improve our campus.
I can only make a small contribution. Does that really help?
Absolutely…it all adds up! For example, if 50 people each gave $25, this could provide
$1,250 toward a student's annual cost of books and supplies. If 50 employees each
pledged $15 month, it would provide $9,000 and cover the cost of tuition and books
for two undergraduate students for an entire year. Every dollar counts – in fact,
you can give by payroll deduction for as little as $2 each month.
UHD employees who also give (regardless of the amount) serve as an example for Gator Alumni to become loyal donors and show external donors, like corporations and private foundations that the people who know UHD best also invest in UHD.
How does the University use my contributions?
It’s your choice—direct your gift to the college, program or scholarship of your choice.
The area(s) you designate will receive 100 percent of your gift.
If you’d prefer, select UHD Annual Fund or any college’s excellence fund to give an unrestricted gift. We will direct the funds to the greatest needs and emerging opportunities of the university or college.
Where can I direct my gift?
We’ve provided a list of the most commonly-supported funds for your convenience.
How can I contribute?
There are many options for making gifts to the University, but we encourage you to
make your gift online through the Secure Payroll Deduction Form (login with your UHD network username and password). You also can make a gift by
cash or check payable to UHD or use the online giving page to give with your credit or debit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard and