Why I Give

Why I Give

By giving, I am able to remember and honor people who touched my life greatly.

The cost of a college education continues to grow, and the severity of the financial burden is growing. Those who have been fortunate enough to be educated by the college and university system should help make education a reality to those who are seeking an education.

I learned early on that support and encouragement were essential to my success. I believe it's important to support my community. If we are to be successful, we need to support our students and the faculty & staff giving campaign makes it possible. .

I give to help create opportunities for our diverse student body.

As a first-generation college graduate, scholarships helped finance my education. Knowing that I can make a difference in someone's educational dreams and goals, like others did for me, is so rewarding.

I support UHD because I want our students to develop to their fullest potential. I like to target my donations to our marketing students so that they can take advantage of a variety of learning opportunities outside of the classroom.

Give to Gators is a means to give back to my students, who have enriched my life, opened my mind, energized my intellect, and renewed my optimism about the future.

As a student, I worked fill-time to pay for school, so I know from expereince that ANY Scholarship amount helped in my prgress towards graduation. Now as a UHD Alumna and a current employee, I get to see how my gifts can impact our current students..

Investing in our students through the Give To Gators Campaign not only transforms their academic and co-curricular journeys but also strengthens our community, ensuring that every Gator has the opportunity to thrive and succeed! Consider changing lives by giving!