Biological Safety
Institutional Biosafety Committee
All experiments involving recombinant DNA, biological toxins, and other biohazards must be approved by the Biological Safety Committee.
- Purpose
- Review and approved proposed research involving biohazards to ensure compliance with NIH Guidelines
- Providing guidance to UHD safety functions
- Collaborate with other UH System components to facilitate protocol review and approval
- Imposing necessary actions to assure regulatory compliance with biological safety requirements
- Composition
- Current list found at - Biosafety Committee (
Laboratory Biosafety Guidance
- UHD Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) - Biological Safety in Laboratories
- CDC/NIH Guidelines (2020) - Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) 6th Edition | CDC Laboratory Portal | CDC
- NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant and Synthetic Nucleic Acid Modules (2024) - NIH Guidelines – Office of Science Policy
Required Training
- Lab training with Principal Investigator on operations/techniques/equipment specific to that group
- Online CITI Training
- Required for all Biosafety Level 2 laboratory-based faculty, staff and students, valid for 1 year
- CITI Program Homepage:
- CITI Access Guidance. pdf - use this guide to register quickly and to add the appropriate course
- Faculty working with biological hazards must complete:
- Project Hazard Assessment Form (PHA)
- Depending on the responses given in the PHA and the assessment by the IBC, it may
be necessary to complete a Memorandum of Understanding with UH (provided by IBC)
- UHD Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) - Biological Safety in Laboratories page